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MEMS Lecture Series
The Premodern Colloquium
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Archived Events
MEMS Lecture Series
The Premodern Colloquium
Manuscript Studies Interest Group
Teaching the Middle Ages to Undergrads (audio)
Archived Events
April 2016
MEMS Lecture Series: The Cosmos of the Urban Craftsman in Early Modern Northern Europe
February 2016
The Premodern Colloquium: Petitioning as Social Practice: Local Conflicts and the Trajectories ofRoyal Letters in Fifteenth-Century Castilian Towns
January 2016
The Premodern Colloquium: Science Fictions: Early Modern Technological Change and Literary Response
December 2015
The Premodern Colloquium: "Power, Perfection, and the Subject of Science in Descartes's Regulae ad directionem ingenii"
November 2015
The Premodern Colloquium: "Medieval Spaces and Documentary Practices in Occitania and Northern Catalonia"
October 2015
The Premodern Colloquium: "Not Begotten But Made: The Shroud of Turin as Divine Artifice"
MEMS Lecture: "Blood, Artifice, and the Resurrected Body in the Shroud of Turin"
September 2015
MEMS Seminar: New Directions in Early Modern Studies
The Premodern Colloquium: "Staging the Passion in the Ritual City: Stational Crosses and Confraternal Procession in Late Renaissance Milan"
April 2015
Premodern Colloquium: Mens Rea and Judging in Late Medieval England
Medieval Lunch: The ABCs of Counting Sheep in Central Medieval Languedoc
March 2015
Medieval Lunch: Living the Brotherhood Life: Art, Ambition, and the Tallinn Brotherhood of the Black Heads
Premodern Colloquium: Rhetoric and Anthropology in Early Modern Europe
Medieval Lunch: "I seem to see another Jerusalem": Stational Crosses and Confraternal Procession in Borromean Milan
February 2015
Medieval Lunch: Writ in water: Paper and watermarks across the Mediterranean
Premodern Colloquium: Did Early Modern Florentine Aristocrats Ignore Conspicuous Consumption?
Medieval Lunch: The Material Household in Late Fourteenth- and Fifteenth Century Yorkshire: Materiality and Early Consumerism in Rural and Urban Inventories
January 2015
Teaching the Middle Ages to Undergraduates
Medieval Lunch: The Conversion of the Jews in Shakespeare's London
Michigan Medieval Seminar: The Medieval Environment
December 2014
Medieval Lunch: Beyond Trade and Crusade: The Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Enterprise, ca 1378-ca. 1453
Premodern Colloquium: Can We Share Contingent Myths about 1400-1750?
Medieval Lunch: Working Miracles
November 2014
Premodern Colloquium: As Painful Bees Make Honey: Aemilia Lanyer’s Textual Staging of Genre, Gender, and Status
CANCELLED! Medieval Lunch: Al-Tirmidhi's Mystical Theosophy as a Theroetical Basis for the Religious Public Sphere in Islam.
October 2014
Medieval Lunch: In the Absence of the Thing: Authenticity and the Agency of Japan's Three Sacred Treasures.
Premodern Colloquium: Pedagogical Goals of the Church in Gaul
September 2014
Medieval Lunch: What kind of text was Guaman Poma's Warikza Arawi?
Premodern Colloquium: Living in Suspicion: Priests and Their Housekeepers in Pre-Reformation England
MEMS Kick-off 2014
April 2014
Bernardino de Sahagún's Psalmodia Christiana and Catholic Formation Among the Mexica in Sixteenth-Century New Spain
Medieval Lunch: Travelling Saints and Dominican Spiritual Networks in Southern France
PMC: The "More Heroic" Consolation of Companionship in Paradise Lost
March 2014
MEMS Lecture: Rethinking Warfare in an Age Said to be Defined by It: Izumi Japan in the Early 16th Century
PMC: Community Amid Chaos: The Villages of Izumi Japan, 1501-1504
Medieval Lunch: Brigands Rush In: Swearing, Equivocal Oaths, and the Second Shepherds' Play
February 2014
PMC: Sacred Words in Ordinary Sounds: Revisiting Musical Humanism
Medieval Lunch: Between the Saint and Text: Embodied Knowledge in Medieval Islamic Mysticism
January 2014
PMC: Wak'a: Entifications of the Andean Sacred
December 2013
Mediated Immediacy in Thomas Müntzer's Theology: A Contribution to the Media History of the German Reformation
Imagining the Mediterranean in Tripoli: The Nautical Chart of Ibrahim al-Mursi, 865 AH/ 1461 CE
November 2013
“Contested Geographies: Constructing the Mediterranean on an Arabic Nautical Chart, ca. 1350"
"The Carnivalesque (Past and Present) in the Celebration of the Feast of Martin of Tours."
"Moldavian Monastic Architecture: Observations on Its Features and Spatial Solutions."
October 2013
"International Relations and Chinese History: The Rise of Qing China"
"Marriage Networks and the Geography of Power in Ninth-century China
“Political Art of the Papacy: Visual Representations of the Donation of Constantine in the Early Modern Period”
“Premodern Pilgrimages to Nazareth”
"Lewand's Arab Incursions into Armenia and the Historiography of Arab Arminiya (8-9th century)"
September 2013
“Istakhri-Balkhi Question"' revisited: locating and translating a tenth-century Iraqi geographer and traveler.”
“Elf Queens and Holy Friars”
“Through a Glass, Darkly: Medievalism and Racial Inversion in Chestnutt’s The House Behind the Cedars and Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”
"Sacred Words in Ordinary Sounds: Revisiting Musical Humanism"
"Figures of Speech: Picturing Poetry in Fifteenth-Century Gujarat"
MEMS Kick-off: Fall 2013
April 2013
Medieval Lunch: "Rights, Rites, and Writing: Reconceptualizing 'Power' for Artisans, Aristocrats, and Warlords in Late Medieval Japan"
March 2013
MEMS Lecture Series: The Medici Archive Project
Medieval Lunch: "Messiahs, Mongol Converts, and Inter-religious Violence in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Anatolia and Iran"
Early Modern Colloquium: "The Lack of Charity in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene"
Premodern Colloquium: "The Rabbinic and Patristic Castration and Exposure of Noah in Antiquity and the Middle Ages"
MEMS Lecture Series: "Orientalizing Fraud and the Sistine Chapel Frescoes: Annius of Viterbo and Michelangelo"
Romance Languages: "Re-Orientation: The Worlding of Marco Polo"
Medieval Lunch: "Modernitas in Walter of Chatillon's Vita S. Brandani"
February 2013
Medieval Lunch: "Marguerite Porete and Perfect Charity"
Medieval Lunch: "Riding the Vajra-yana to the Pure Land: Dohan's (1179-1252) 'Himitsu nenbutstu' in Medieval Japanese Buddhism"
Premodern Colloquium: "'Enlargement . . .will serve the common use and protection of all': Fortified Walls and Uniform Jurisdiction in 17th-Century Lille"
Medieval Lunch: "The Play of Objects: Medieval Drama, Ludi, and Games"
Application Deadline for Fall 2013, Winter 2014 and Fall 2014
January 2013
Premodern Colloquium: "Radical Charity and the Long Reformation: Literature, Belief, and Transgressive Forms of Love in Early Modern England"
December 2012
Premodern Colloquium: "The origins and development of the Virgin Mary's book at the Annunciation"
Medieval Lunch: “Good and Bad Prayers: Observations on a Late Medieval Crucifixion Allegory in the Heiliggeistspital in Wismar”
November 2012
Medieval Lunch: “Narrating Crisis in Late Medieval Spain”
"Deputies, Go-Betweens, Scapegoats and Allies: Women and Work in Early Modern Sweden"
Premodern Colloquium: "Early-Modern Misunderstandings: Peace, honor and violence in seventeenth-century Sweden"
October 2012
Premodern Colloquium: "Lombards, olives, and ecologies: The Sabina (Italy) in the Early"
Medieval Lunch: "Writing the Digital History of the Premodern Muslim World (670-1300 CE)"
Medieval Lunch: "Did Samurai Women Really Fight? Warrior Class Women in a War-Prone Society"
September 2012
Michigan Medieval Seminar
Premodern Colloquium: "Locus calvariae: Walking and hanging with Christ and the Good Thief, c. 1350 - c. 1700"
Medieval Lunch: "The Limitations of Peach Cultivation and Consumption in Carolingian Europe, c. 750-950 CE"
MEMS Celebration: Thoughts on the Future of the Past
April 2012
Conspicuous Consumption & the Marketing of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads: The Master of the St Lucy Legend's Tallinn "Mary Altarpiece"
England's Safety in Italian Airs: Mrs. Tofts, Signora de l'Epine, and the Politics of Rivalry on the London Stage
March 2012
Social Relations in the Medieval and Early Modern World: Symposium in Honor of Diane Owen Hughes
Jews in Early Modern Amsterdam: Non-Calvinists and the Fiction of "Private Worship"
February 2012
Artistic Tradition and Innovations in the Church of the Three Hierarchs in Iasi
CANCELLED. William Webbe's Wench: Henry VIII, History, and Popular Culture
CANCELLED. Household Goods and Household Violence in Late Medieval London: The Murder of Isabel Watson
Pictorial Variation in the "Vernacular Style": Illuminated Manuscripts of the Roman de la rose
January 2012
Giotto's Allegorical Painting of the Kingdom of Naples: Why the Renaissance Didn't Happen There
Remembering with Olives: Farfa and Its Environment in Early Medieval Italy
December 2011
The View from the Breach: Piracy, Slavery & Interstate Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean
Trans-imperial Subjects and the Mediation of Sovereignty in the Early Modern Mediterranean
The Administration of Monasteries in Late Antiquity: The Case of the Monastery of Phoibammon
Contemporary Maritime Piracy: Piracy Organizations in the Horn of Africa and Southeast Asia
Languedoc, Provence, and the Medieval Mediterranean
Freedom of Conscience and the Jews of Early Modern Amsterdam
November 2011
Jews and Magic in Medici Florence
Jews and Magic in Renaissance Florence: The Market
Mediterranean Piracy: Through North African Eyes
A Trade of No Dishonor: Piracy and Sea Power in the Medieval Indian Ocean
The City as Nature: Textual Geographies and Urban Space in Eleventh-Century China
The Michigan Medieval Seminar
Mediterranean Pirates and the Slaves
Johnson's Dictionary and the Kangxi Zidian: An Experiment in Comparative Lexicography
October 2011
Legend and History on the Malabar Coast
Manifesting Awe: Grand Strategy and Imperial Leadership in the Ming Dynasty
La Fayette's Revenge: Civility from the Memoir to the Novel (1664-1678)
2011 History of Art Freer Symposium: Barbarians, Monsters, Hybrids and Mutants: Asian Inventions of Human "Others"
Material Culture and Family Dynamics
Enemies of the State: Piracy and the Roman Republic
Late Medieval Exegesis: An Interfaith Discourse
Haunting Shakespeare, or King Lear Meets Alice
Hablar Franco: How to Talk like a Pirate in the Early Modern Mediterranean
Youth, or Something like It: Perceptions of Thresholds in Tang Narratives
The Early Modern "Medieval": Reconstructing Japanese Pasts
The Ignoble Death of Heretics and the Ingressive Memory of Place in Christian Historiography
September 2011
Medieval Kyoto as Urban Mandala: Adapting the Notion of Sacred Geography to Japan’s Premodern Capital
Tasting God: The Sweetness of Tears in the Counter-Reformation
Reduccion in the Making of Colonial Yucatec Maya
Test event
August 2011
Official Launch Party for MEMS
April 2011
Monday Medieval Brownbag: Jonathan Farr, UM-History
Andrew Bozio, UM-English Language and Literature: "To See Feelingly: The Phenomenology of Space in King Lear"
Monday Medieval Brownbag: Nadine Kuperty-Tsur, French, University of Tel-Aviv
March 2011
Monday Medieval Brownbag: CANCELLED
Rebecca Wiseman, UM-English Language and Literature: "No??sis and the Fallen Reader: Meaning-Making as Milton???s Receptive Ideal"
Sounds of the Early Modern Atlantic: Fandango, Diferencia, Jarocho, Cielito lindo and Chiles Verdes...
"Cultural Hybridity in the Medieval Mediterranean: A Concept in Search of Evidence?"
Sandra Sherman, Fordham University: "A Pedagogic Revolution: Early English Culinary Texts and the Common Reader"
Dimitri Gutas, Yale University: Greek into Arabic into Latin (and Greek): Translation and Civilization in the pre-Renaissance West"
February 2011
Monday Medieval Brownbag: Yanay Israel, UM-History
Owen Phelan, Mount St Mary's College and Seminary: "Baptism and the Formation of Carolingian Identity: Alcuin of York's Vision"
Monday Medieval Brownbag: Topher Davis, UM-English Language and Literature
January 2011
Monday Medieval Brownbag: Ryan Szpiech, UM-Romance Languages
Dwight Reynolds, University of California, Santa Barbara: "Influence, Hybridization or Transculturation? Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Music of Medieval Spain"
Stefan Stantchev, Arizona State University: "Trade with Muslims Endangers the Soul: Formation and Implications of Papal Embargo as Legal Discourse (1179-ca1250)"
December 2010
Katherine Brokaw, UM-English Language and Literature: "Satire, Silence, and Sacrament in the Digby 'Mary Magdalene'"
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Diane Owen Hughes, History
November 2010
Paize Keulemans, Yale University: "Scandalous Writing: Gossip, News and Rumor in 'Jin Ping Mei'"
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Stewart Gordon, Center for South Asian Studies
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Hitomi Tonomura, History and Women's Studies
October 2010
Palmira Brummet, University of Tennessee-Knoxville: "Mappping Early Modern Ottoman Space: Inlands and Outlands"
John A. Marino: Mediterranean Studies and the Remaking of Premodern Europe
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Noah Gardiner, Near Eastern Studies
John A. Marino, University of California, San Diego: "The Rule of the Games: Playing Court in Baroque Naples"
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Elizabeth Kamali, History
Charles Zika, University of Melbourne: "The Witch of Endor in the Later 17th C: A New Visual Code for Witchcraft"
September 2010
Romance Languages and Literatures presents Maria M. Carrion, Emory University: "Staging and Punishing Illicit Desire"
Lydia Chiang, Boston College: "Xu Xuan (916-991) and Classical Chinese Records of Anomalies"
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Angela Heetderks, English
Marina Tolmacheva, Washington State University: "Maps and Measurement in Islamic Cartography"
Catherine Brown, UM-Romance Languages & Comp Literature:"Remember the Hand: Bodies and Bookmaking in Early Medieval Hispania"
April 2010
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Ben Graham, UM-History
The Premodern Colloquium presents Aden Kumler, University of Chicago
Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies presents Ulrike Strasser, Univ of California, Irvine
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Theresa Tinkle, UM-English
March 2010
Romance Languages presents 17th Annual Charles F. Fraker Conference
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Christian de Pee, UM-History
The Premodern Colloquium presents Danna Agmon, UM-Anthropology and History
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Megan McNamee, UM-History of Art
February 2010
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Karla Mallette, UM-Romance Languages and Literatures
Department of Germanic Languages presents Niklau Largier, University of California-Berkeley
The Early Modern Colloquium presents The Renaissance Arts of Science and Nature
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Tom Maranda, UM-Romance Languages and Literatures
Romance Languages presents Tracy Adams, University of Aukland
January 2010
Monday Medieval Brownbag presents Hussein Fancy, UM-History and Society of Fellows
The Premodern Colloquium presents Ellen Poteet, UM-History
December 2009
The Premodern Colloquium presents George Hoffmann, UM-Romance Languages
Center for Chinese Studies presents Martin Powers, History of Art
Institute for the Humanities presents Danna Agmon, UM-History
November 2009
EIHS Friday Workshop presents Sharon Farmer (UCSB), Paolo Sqatriti (UM-History), Megan Raphoon and Emily Price (UM-History)
EIHS Thursday Lecture presents Sharon Farmer, University of California, Santa Barbara
Romance Languages presents The Michigan Medieval Seminar
Center for Japanese Studies presents Kenji Matsuo, Yamagata University
Center for Chinese Studies presents Lucille Chia, University of California at Riverside
The Premodern Colloquium presents Albrecht Diem, Syracuse University, and Hildegrund Muller, Notre Dame
Center for Chinese Studies presents Yuming He, University of Chicago
Science, Technology, Medicine & Society presents Eileen Reeves, Princeton University
October 2009
Institute for the Humanities presents Amy Rodgers, UM-English PhD
Romance Langages presents Eileen Joy, Southern Illinois University
The Premodern Colloquium presents Alison Cornish, UM-Romance Languages
The Frankel Center presents Rachel Neis, UM-History and Jewish Studies
Center for Chinese Studies presents Anna Shields, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
September 2009
Center for Chinese Studies presents Benjamin Ridgway, Valparaiso University
The EIHS Friday Workshop presents Rebecca Scott, Jean Hebrard, UM-History; Edgardo Perez Morales, PhD candidate in History
Center for Japanese Studies presents Joshua Mostow, University of British Columbia
Legal History Workshop presents Kris Olbertson, Alma College
Department of Philosophy presents Edwin Curley
The Premodern Colloquium presents Rebecca Zurier, UM-History of Art
Legal History Workshop presents Sally Hadden, Florida State University
April 2009
Diane Owen Hughes: "Estranging Spaces: Humanist Claims to Cultural History"
Simon Gaunt: "???Unhomely??? Encounters with Others in Medieval Travel Literature???
March 2009
Medieval and Early Modern Studies Open House
Genevra Kornbluth: "Powerful Stones: Inventing, Re-inventing, and Controlling Early Medieval Amulets"
Genevra Kornbluth: "Spinning in Her Grave: Gender Identity, Economic Status, and Textile-Working Equipment in Merovingian and Ango-Saxon Burials"
Susan McClary: "The Bodies of Angels"
Hitomi Tonomura: "Samurai and Their Women: Violence, Gender and the State in Premodern Japan"
Sebouh Aslanian: "Trust in Gossip but Bastinado when Needed: Regulation "Trust" Relations among Julfan Merchants in the Early Modern Period"
February 2009
Albert Russell Ascoli: "What's in a Word? 'Fede' and its Doubles between Machiavelli and Luther"
January 2009
David Porter: "Gendered Utopias in Chinese Porcelains and English Women's Writings of the 17th Century
December 2008
Michelle Miller: "Humble Connectedness: Nourrisson Friends and Worldly Piety in the French Religious Novella, 1559???1629"
Katherine Ibbett: "Novel Feelings: Compassion and Toleration in Early Modern France"