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Teaching the Middle Ages to Undergraduates

Friday, January 23, 2015
5:00 AM
1014 Tisch Hall

A Panel Discussion of the Challenges of and Pedagogical Strategies for Engaging Students in Premodern Subjects


Gina Brandolino, English and Sweetland Center

Hussein Fancy, History

Karla Mallette, Romance Languages and Literatures

Kevin Carr, History of Art

with moderator Achim Timmermann, History of Art

Panelists will discuss topics such as enrollment in courses on premodern subjects, the challenges that instructors face in making this material accessible to students, and pedagogical strategies for approaching these challenges. After the initial discussion, we will allow time for questions and further discussion from the audience. We welcome both current faculty and graduate students to join us in this dialogue. 

If there are any questions, please e-mail Kate Waggoner at