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Classical Language Training

Off-Campus Study


Classical Arabic: Qasid Institute (summer and semester, 10 weeks online or onsite in Amman, Jordan)



Early Modern DutchUniversity College London (online, 10 weeks online)

Early Modern Dutch/Paleography: Columbia University (summer, 1 week onsite, 2 weeks of modern     Dutch for reading online, previous knowledge of Dutch or German required) 



Ancient Greek: University of Chicago (summer, 8 weeks online)

Ancient Greek: Catholic University of America (summer, online)

Ancient Greek: UC-Berkeley (summer, onsite)

Byzantine Greek: International Byzantine Greek Summer School (summer, 2 weeks online)

Byzantine Greek: Dumbarton Oaks Greek Summer School (summer, 4 weeks, onsite, every other year, even-numbered years)

Byzantine Greek: Gennadius Library Medieval Greek Program (summer, 1 month, onsite in Athens, every other year, odd-numbered years)



Classical Japanese: Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (summer, 6  weeks onsite)

Japanese Paleography: Mitsubishi Corporation Summer School in Early Modern Japanese Paleography at University of Cambridge (summer, 2 weeks onsite)

Kanbun: IUC Summer Intensive Kanbun Program (3 weeks, onsite in Yokohama)



Classical Latin: Marco Institute Summer Latin Program (summer, 8 weeks online)

Medieval Latin: Marco Institute Summer Latin Program (summer, 6 weeks online)


Ottoman Turkish: Ottoman Studies Foundation Cunda Summer School