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The Department of American Culture is home to a nationally and internationally renowned core faculty with training in a wide variety of disciplines. We offer broad-based training and a range of courses to our students. Our faculty have authored numerous, highly acclaimed books and articles, served as presidents of national academic organizations, sat on the editorial boards of major journals, served as expert sources for the media and news outlets and as consultants and board members for institutions related to our field.

Su'ad Abdul Khabeer
Associate Professor
3527B Haven Hall,

Fields of study:
race, Blackness, Black Islam, Anthropology, Black women's history, popular culture
Retika Adhikari
Assistant Professor
On Leave FA24 & WN25
3666 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of study:
critical refugee studies, Asian American studies, multi-sited ethnography, humanitarianism, displacement, postindustrial United States, South Asian Borderlands
Sigrid Anderson
Adjunct Lecturer
3645 Haven Hall, 1045
Hatcher 209 North, 1190

Fields of Study:
English and American literature, ethnic studies, social justice
Sara Awartani
Assistant Professor
Fields of Study: transnational and comparative history, social movements, race and ethnicity, Latinx studies, Arab American studies, U.S. in the World
Yarden Azoulay Katz
Assistant Professor
Haven Hall

Fields of Study: imperialism, white supremacy, and racial capitalism; science and technology studies; history and politics of biomedicine; eugenics and exploited labor in science; radical social movements
Stephen A. Berrey
Associate Professor, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
On Leave FA24 & WN25
3741 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
race and culture, African American history, U.S. South, 20th-century United States, cultural history
Melissa Borja
Associate Professor
On Leave FA24 & WN25
3767 Haven Hall

Fields of Study:
migration, religion, Asian American studies, politics, oral history
Umayyah Cable
Assistant Professor
On Leave FA24 & WN25
William Calvo-Quirós
Associate Professor, Associate Chair and Director of the Program in Undergraduate Studies
3642 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
visual, material culture, and consumption studies;speculative fiction studies;Latina/o Chicana/o studies
John Cheney-Lippold
Associate Professor; AC Associate Chair and Director of the Undergraduate Studies Program
On Leave FA24 & WN25
3527G Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
cultural studies, code and algorithm studies, future studies, surveillance, identity, privacy, critical theory, philosophy
Juan Cole
Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History; Director of the Program in Arab and Muslim American Studies (AMAS) and Undergraduate Advisor for the minor
2527 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study: modern Middle East, Muslim South Asia, intellectual and cultural history, religion, history
Clare Croft
Associate Professor
3735 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
dance and performance studies, U.S. social movements, cultural policy, gender & sexuality, dramaturgy
Manan Desai
Associate Professor, Director of the Program in Asian/Pacific Islander American (A/PIA) Studies and Undergraduate Advisor for the Minor
3749 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Asian American Studies, Postcolonial Studies, US Popular Music
Gregory E. Dowd
Helen Hornbeck Tanner Collegiate Professor; LSA Associate Dean for the Humanities
Office of the Dean:
LSA 2256, 500 South State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382
Executive Assistant: Stella Bublitz,, 734-647-2115

Fields of Study:
Native American and Early American history
Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Professor of American Culture and the Harry Burns Hutchins Collegiate Professor of Law
314 Hutchins Hall

Fields of Study: Federal & tribal Indian law, Anishinaabe legal and political philosophy, administrative & Constitutional law, legal ethics.
Jonathan Freedman
Marvin Felheim Collegiate Professor Emeritus
Kayla Gonyon
Lecturer I
3732 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) language instruction
Colin Gunckel
Associate Professor
3632 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Chicano/Latino film and media, Latina American cinema, Mexican cinema
Sandra Gunning
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
4733 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
American studies; 19th- and 20th-century American literature; African American literature; African diaspora studies; interdisciplinary approaches to literature, femininsm and gender studies, and travel writing
Kristin Ann Hass
On Leave FA24
3759 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Memorials, memory, material culture, cultural infrastructure, structures of inequity, race, and racism, U.S. cultural history and museum studies.
June Howard
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emerita

Fields of Study:
novel and narrative; women's literature and culture in the United States from the mid-19th-century to the present; periodical history; genre studies; American studies; gender studies; cultural & social theory; disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and knowledge production
Bethany Hughes
Assistant Professor
3664 Haven Hall

Fields of study:
19th and 20th century Native American representation, contemporary Indigenous performance, musical theatre and race, the performance of federal Indian law
Roland Hwang
Lecturer I
3732 Haven Hall, 1045
(mobile) 925-586-4613

Fields of Study:
Asian/Pacific Islander American history, A/PIAs in the civil rights movement; A/PIA community activism

Justin Joque
Adjunct Lecturer
260C Hatcher
Charlotte Karem Albrecht
Associate Professor
3634 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Arab American studies, queer of color critique, interdisciplinary and historical methods, history of gender and sexuality, women of color and transnational feminisms
Leila Kawar
Associate Professor
1516 East Quad, 1245

Fields of Study:
law and society; critical border studies; migration and indigenous populations; displacement and forced migration; interpretive methods and methodologies; international labor law and human rights
Mary C. Kelley
Ruth Bordin Collegiate Professor Emerita
2672 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
American & women’s iIntellectual history, 19th-century women writers, American culture, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies
Nancy A. Khalil
Assistant Professor
3527A Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Muslims, politics, authority, racialization, advertising, ethnographic methods
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes
Professor of American Culture
On Leave FA24 & WN25
3700 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
American and ethnic studies, Latina/o studies, Puerto Rican & Hispanic Caribbean studies, women’s, gender, & sexuality studies, lesbian, gay, & queer studies
Scott Larson
Lecturer IV; AC Undergraduate Advisor
3733 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
18th- and 19th- century American cultural history; American religious cultures; disability studies; transgender history; women's, gender, & sexuality studies

Cherry Meyer
Assistant Professor
Haven Hall 3641
Lorch 453C

Fields of Study:
Ojibwe (Algonquian), morphology, semantics, noun categorization, gender, classifiers,language documentation, language typology, word order
Susan Najita
Associate Professor, AC Director of the Graduate Studies Program
3176 Angell Hall, 1003

Fields of Study:
Pacific literatures in English, Asian American literatures, U.S. minority literatures
Lisa Nakamura
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor in American Culture
3527F Haven Hall

Fields of Study:
Asian American studies, digital media theory, digital game studies, feminist theory, film and television studies, race and gender in new media
Doo Jae Park
Lecturer I
Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Studies:
Race, Diaspora, Identity Politics, Asian American Studies, Physical Cultural Studies, Sport
Silvia Pedraza
4219 LSA Bldg, 500 S. State St., Department of Sociology, (734) 647-3659

Fields of Study: international sociology; inequalities and stratification; politics and social change; historical and qualitative approaches; immigration, race and ethnicity; sociology of revolutions; sociology of refugees. Countries that are the focus of her research: the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and Spain.
3732 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) language instruction
Yeidy Rivero
Professor by Courtesy in American Culture
6330 North Quad, 1285

Fields of study:
television studies, race and media,global media, Latino/a, Spanish Caribbean, Latin American, and African diaspora studies
Ian Shin
Assistant Professor
1767 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
intellectual & cultural history; race & ethnicity; United States; history
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg
Mary Frances Berry Collegiate Professor Emerita
Adam Spry
Associate Professor
3658 Haven Hall
Amy Stillman
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Director of the Program in Native American Studies (NAS) and Undergraduate Advisor for the minor
3765 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
ethnomusicology, Pacific Islands performance traditions, dance ethnology
Alan Wald
H. Chandler Davis Collegiate Professor Emeritus
Jessica Kenyatta Walker
Assistant Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies; Assistant Professor of American Culture
Magdalena Zaborowska
Professor and Chair of the Department of American Culture
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Please send calendar invitations to:

Executive Assistant: Mary Freiman,

3703 Haven Hall, 1045

Fields of Study:
African American and American literary and cultural studies