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Accelerated Master of Arts Program in Transcultural Studies

Many of our students in American Culture anticipate a career involving work with indigenous, diasporic, and/or marginalized communities inside the United States or abroad. These often involve cross-cultural partnerships and collaboration in a diverse workplace. If you identify with this profile, the University of Michigan’s new accelerated MA program in Transcultural Studies can help you build on your American and Ethnic studies training to develop the historical, theoretical, and practical knowledge you need to navigate successful and ethically grounded careers in an increasingly cosmopolitan and globalized world. Transcultural Studies uses approaches from across the Humanities and Social Sciences to foster a critical and historically informed understanding of human communication and interaction across perceived boundaries of culture, nationality, race, and religious identity. This is particularly well suited to students interested in issues of human rights, language, knowledge, and community.

This interdisciplinary program, which includes American Culture and other departments, is intended to provide both advanced training and a capstone experience for current LSA undergraduates who anticipate pursuing a PhD or working in fields where intercultural competency and a critical framework for thinking systematically about connections, comparisons, and translations among human communities will be desirable skills. The program allows you to earn a UM Master's Degree with one additional year of study beyond the BA.

Students who are juniors this year are eligible to apply. For more information, see the Program in Transcultural Studies website.