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Joshua Ackerman
Professor of Psychology
3227 East Hall 734.647.9028
Savannah Adams
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3232 East Hall
Desiree Aleibar
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3213 East Hall
Chayce Baldwin
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3221 East Hall
Noa Boker Segal
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3225 East Hall
Eugene Burnstein
Professor Emeritus of Psychology; Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, RCGD
Nicholas Camp
Assistant Professor of Organizational Studies;
Assistant Professor of Psychology (By Courtesy)
Sonya Dal Cin
Professor of Communication and Media;
Research Professor, Institute for Social Research;
Professor of Psychology (By Courtesy)
North Quad 734.615.0380
Emily Diamond
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3221 East Hall
David Dunning
Incoming Associate Chair for Faculty Development; Mary Ann and Charles R. Walgreen, Jr., Professor of the Study of Human Understanding; Professor of Psychology
3239 East Hall 734.763.0063
Allison Earl
Associate Professor of Psychology
3000 East Hall 734.763.1133
Jacquelynne Eccles
Wilbert McKeachie and Paul Pintrich Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Psychology and Education; Professor Emerita of Women's Studies; Research Professor Emerita, RCGD
Phoebe Ellsworth
Frank Murphy Distinguished Professor Emerita of Law and Psychology, and Faculty Associate, ISR Research Center for Group Dynamics
3054 East Hall
Richard Gonzalez
Amos N. Tversky Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Statistics
3008 East Hall 734.647.6785
Amie Gordon
Assistant Professor of Psychology
3002 East Hall 734.763.2092
Patricia Gurin
Nancy Cantor Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women's Studies
IGR, 1412 S. University Ave., Floor 2, Suite B
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2592
Arnold Ho
Associate Professor of Psychology
3229 East Hall 734.764.2717
L. Rowell Huesmann
Amos N. Tversky Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies & Psychology; Director, ISR Research Center for Group Dynamics
5025 ISR 734.764.8385
Marita Inglehart
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor;
Professor of Dentistry;
Psychology Faculty Associate
Tatum Jolink
Research Fellow working with Amie Gordon
Shinobu Kitayama
Robert B. Zajonc Collegiate Professor of Psychology; Director of the Culture & Cognition Program
3217 East Hall 734.647.6786
Hong-Yi (Alfred) Koo
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3225 East Hall
Ethan Kross
Social Area Chair; Professor of Psychology and Management/Organizations
3004 East Hall 734.763.5640
William Lee
AMDP Student; Social Psychology
Melvin Manis
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Haley Mehlman
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3225 East Hall
Irene Melani
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3233 East Hall
Margaret Meyer
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3232 East Hall
Randolph Nesse
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Psychiatry; Research Professor Emeritus, RCGD
Richard Nisbett
Theodore M Newcomb Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Research Professor Emeritus, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research
3229 East Hall 734.763.1160
Kaitlin Raimi
Associate Professor of Public Policy;
Psychology Faculty Associate;
Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, ISR
4208 Weill Hall 734.615.6944
Hannah Ramil
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3233 East Hall
Micaela Rodriguez
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3232 East Hall
Amelie Rossmaier
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3236 East Hall
Nicole Russell Pascual
Research Fellow working with Denise Sekaquaptewa
Kaelyn Sabree
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3236 East Hall
Kathryn (Kate) Schertz
Research Fellow working with Ethan Kross
Denise Sekaquaptewa
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology
3231 East Hall 734.647.9685
Hailey Shangin
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3236 East Hall
MohammadHasan (Hasan) Sharifian
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3236 East Hall
Tong Suo
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3213 East Hall
Catherine Thomas
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Organizational Studies
3063 East Hall 734.647.2388
Alexandra Wormley
Research Fellow working with Ethan Kross
2426 East Hall
Yaxin Xiao
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
4470 East Hall
Oscar Ybarra
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Jamie Yellowtail
Graduate Student; Social Psychology
3213 East Hall