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<b>CM THEORY SEMINAR</b><br>Disorder-Driven Quantum Phase Transition and Transport in Dirac Semimetals and Semiconductors

Thursday, January 7, 2016
5:00 AM
335 West Hall

Motivated by Weyl semimetals and weakly doped semiconductors, I will discuss recent work on weakly disordered materials with a power-law quasiparticle dispersion. Above a critical dimensions at low-electron density the system exhibits a novel disorder-driven quantum phase transition that manifests itself in the critical behavior of single-particle density of states and of electrical transport. Utilizing a controlled renormalization-group analysis I will describe our predictions for the low-temperature conductivity and density of states in Weyl semimetals and weakly doped semiconductors near and below the critical disorder point.

Leo Radzihovsky (University of Colorado Boulder)