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Get Involved

Interested in helping our community uphold academic integrity in a more active and engaged way? Consider the following groups and organizations: 

  • LSA Student Honor Council- The LSA Student Honor Council is a council of students that promotes a culture of integrity on campus by encouraging the practice of academic integrity. They partner with other students, faculty and staff to facilitate understanding of the College’s academic integrity standards. Honor Council holds campus events throughout the year to spur dialogue about integrity, engages academic departments and faculty in discussion about promoting academic integrity and preventing academic misconduct, and collaborates with other College offices and programs to instill the values of integrity in all aspects of University life.
  • The Academic Judiciary Committee (AJC)- The AJC is a committee composed of both undergraduate students and faculty members from the College of LSA. Together they work with the Office of Student Academic Affairs (SAA) to promote academic integrity across campus and address potential areas of concern. In addition, they serve as panel members when a student submits a written appeal for a finding of responsibility, reviewing the case and determining whether to sustain or reverse a finding of academic misconduct. For more information please contact
  • The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)- An international organization advancing academic integrity to promote ethical institutions and societies all over the world. They offer assessment services, resources, and consultations to member institutions and facilitate conversations on academic integrity topics. They encourage, support, and share research that predicts, describes, and responds to trends and issues relating to academic integrity standards and practices.