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The Kelsey Museum sponsors and co-sponsors lectures on topics related to archaeology and ancient history. All our lectures are free and open to the public. See the calendar below for upcoming presentations, or click here for a complete schedule. For more information, please contact the Education Department.

Virtual Flash Talks

Join us at noon on the first Friday of every month during the academic year for Kelsey Museum Flash Talks. Kelsey curators, staff members, researchers, graduate students, and guests give a 15-minute Zoom presentation about their recent research, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. Flash Talks are free and open to all visitors.

FAST Lectures (Field Archaeology Series on Thursdays)

Each month during the academic year, students and staff in the Interdepartmental Program in Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology (IPAMAA) share their latest research and report on ongoing excavations. These lectures will keep you current on what’s happening in this dynamic department at the University of Michigan.

Digging Deeper: Thursday Night Lecture Series

This lecture series—happening on select months during the academic year—invites guest speakers to the Kelsey Museum for an evening centered on exciting archaeological and museum topics. 

Exhibition Opening Lectures

Special lectures are often provided in conjunction with the opening of a new exhibition. These are given by specialists and offer an in-depth exploration of the featured exhibit.



Recent Lectures

Did you miss a lecture? Many of our museum talks are recorded and available to view on the Kelsey’s YouTube page. Check out a few of our recent programs below.

Flash Talk | The Archaeological Dig at Notion

Flash Talk | The Karanis Cornucopia: Exploring the Plant Remains of the Kelsey Museum

Year of Democracy Webinar | Democracy, the Jury Trial, and the Rule of Law in Ancient Athens

Flash Talk | One Thread at a Time: Egyptian Weaving Communities in the Third Intermediate Period

Flash Talk | From the Motor City to the Mediterranean: Travels of a Truck, a Sedan, and an Inquisitive Photographer, 1924–1926