Hosted by NBC's Hoda Kotb, The Library of Congress National Book Festival: "Celebrating American Ingenuity,” is a two-hour program featuring some of the nation’s most renowned authors and literary voices. In this powerful and inspiring program produced by FTVM’s own Oliver Thornton, over two dozen of American Literature’s most creative minds join book lovers across the country to celebrate American ingenuity at a time when we need it most — discussing what it means to them, how it fires their imaginations and why books are so important to us, now more than ever.
Thornton spent the past several months working with the Library of Congress to conduct remote interviews with some of the nation’s best-selling and most beloved literary voices. Brimming with insight, they’ll welcome us into their homes and work spaces while offering thought-provoking commentary on how the spirit of “American Ingenuity” continues to guide this nation journey toward a more perfect union.
Editor - FTVM Alum Tina Brunn (nee Bauder, '99); PA - FTVM Alum Drew Metcalf ('20 )
For more about the Festival in its entirety, please click here.