Shepherd of Solitude: Selected Poems of Amjad Nasser

Amjad Nasser (translated by Khaled Mattawa)
Shepherd of Solitude is Amjad Nasser's first English collection, translated and introduced by the foremost translator of contemporary Arabic poetry into English Khaled Mattawa, with the poems selected by poet and translator from the poet's Arabic volumes over the years 1979 to 2004.Amjad Nasser was born in Jordan in 1955. He is a major contributor to today's Arab poetry scene and has published eight volumes of poetry and two travel memoirs, Flight of Wings (1998) and Under More than One Sky (2002). He works as managing editor and cultural editor of Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily newspaper. A selection of his poetry was published in French translation, Ascension de l'amant, with a Foreword by Adonis, (1998), also one in Italian (2001) and one in Spanish (2002).
Khaled Mattawa is the author of four books of his own poetry and has translated seven volumes of contemporary Arabic poetry and co-edited two anthologies of Arab American literature.