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English Language & Literature
News & Events
Joyriders Book Launch & Reading at Literati
Fiction at Literati: Greg Schutz Friday, March 14, 2025 - 6:30pm
An 80th birthday gift that gives to English students
by Kristen Loszewski
What is English?
Our Department is a vibrant meeting ground for people who care about the English language and everything humans can do and have long done with it. We investigate its availability for those who would impose, those who would resist, and those who would debate power of many kinds. We track the development of English and its movement across the globe. We encounter English on the page, the stage and the screen. We relish its capacities to awaken perception and elude simplification. We invest daily in the conviction that words matter.

Hopwood Tea
3:00 PM
1176 (Hopwood Room)
Angell Hall
What is Critical Now? Media Studies Between Crisis and Critique
Graduate Student Workshop and Panel Lecture co-hosted by the Digital Studies Institute and Department of English Language & Literature
10:00 AM
G333 Mason Hall
Off Campus Location
Reading and Q&A with Weike Wang
Zell Visiting Writers Series
5:30 PM
The Robert Hayden Conference Room, #3222
Museum of Art