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English Minor

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There is no prerequisite course for declaring the English minor. We recommend that students begin with a 200-level Foundations & Methods course. Students should schedule an appointment with an English advisor to declare the major.


Minimum Credits: 15

1. FOUNDATIONS & METHODS (two courses, 6 credits total) 

  • one 200-level course from the approved list (3 credits)
  • one 300- or 400-level course (3 credits)

2. REGIONS (ONE course, 3 credits total)
    Students must take one course (3 credits) from ONE subcategory below:

  • the Americas, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland;
  • Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands. 

3. TIME (ONE course, 3 credits total)
    Students must take one course (3 credits) from ONE subcategory below:

  • Medieval and Early Modern
  • 18th and 19th Centuries
  • Modern and Contemporary


The remaining 3 credits must be completed with electives. The department will offer in any one term a considerable range of courses designed to meet these requirements and electives. A list of which courses meet a given requirement will be available each year online at or from an English department advisor.


Additional Notes:

  • A total of two 200-level courses (no more than 6 credits) can count toward the minor. Because students must take one 200-level Foundations & Methods course to fulfill the Foundations & Methods 200-level requirement, they can count one additional 200-level course towards the minor. That second 200-level course can either satisfy the Time or Regions requirement or count as an elective.
  • One 300/400-level creative/expository writing course (no more than 3 credits) can count toward the minor. 300/400-level creative/expository writing courses that count as an elective include:322  323  324  325  328  344  345  423  424  425  426  327/THTREMUS 327  427/THTREMUS 427  Transferred writing courses  WRITING 300
  • ALA 325 - Putting Your Education to Work can now be counted toward elective English credits (1 credit)
  • All courses counted toward the major must be completed with a grade of C- or better.Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the minor.

How to Declare

Students should schedule an appointment with an English advisor to declare and make a course plan. English Minor advising appointments can be scheduled at: Advising Appointments. The minor is designed for majors in other LSA departments and schools at the University of Michigan, and is not open to English majors.