Professor Emeritus
Selected Publications
1. Drama of a Nation: Public Theater in Renaissance England and Spain. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1985.
2. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt (General Editor), Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, and Katharine Eisaman Maus. NY: Norton, 3rd ed., 2015.
3. A History of European Literature: The West and the World from Antiquity to the Present. Oxford UP, 2017.
Work in Progress: The World of Literary History: Ecology, Geography, Language, and Social Change.
Selected Articles
1. “The Merchant of Venice and the Possibilities of Historical Criticism.” ELH 49 (1982) 765-89; various rpts.2. “The Making of Nabokov's Fiction.” 20th Century Literature 29 (1983) 333-50.
3. “Political Criticism of Shakespeare.” Shakespeare Reproduced. Ed. Jean Howard and Marian O'Connor. London: Methuen, 1987. 18-46.
4. “The Novel and Cultural Revolution.” Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Pädagogische Hochschule "Karl Liebknecht" Potsdam 32 (1988) 29-47.
5. “The Concept of World Literature.” Comparative Literature East and West. Ed. Cornelia Moore. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1989. 3-10.
6. “An Interview with Martin Bernal.” Social Text No. 35 (Summer 1993). 1-24.
7. “Marxist Criticism.” Redrawing the Boundaries. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn. New York: MLA, 1992. 320-48.
8. “The Discourse of Empire in the Renaissance.” Cultural Authority in Golden Age Spain. Ed. Marina S. Brownlee and Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. 260-83.
9. “The Economics of Doctoral Education in Literature.” PMLA 115 (2000) 1164-87.
10. “The Uniqueness of Spain.” Echoes and Inscriptions. Ed. Barbara Simerka and Chris B. Weimer. Lewisburg, PA.: Bucknell UP, 2000. 17-29.
11. “The Undiscovered Country: Shakespeare and Mercantile Geography.” Marxist Shakespeares. Ed. Jean E. Howard and Scott Cutler Shershow. London: Routledge, 2001. 128-58.
12. “The Literature of Empire in the Renaissance.” Modern Philology 102 (2004) 1-34.
13. “Don Quijote and the Intercontinental History of the Novel.” Early Modern Culture, No. 4, 2004. http//
14. “Eurasian Fiction.” The Global South 1: 2 (Fall 2007) 100-119.
15. “Fault Lines and Coherence in Language and Literature Departments.” ADFL Bulletin 41, No. 1 (2009) 53-58.
16. “World Literature and Contemporary Fiction.” Shawangunk Review 23 (2012) 7-20.
17. “The Rise of the Written Vernacular: Europe and Eurasia.” PMLA 126 (2011) 719-29.
18. “Eurasian Literature.” Comparative Early Modernities. Ed. David Porter. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 47-72. 19. “The Ecology of Globalization: Environmental Catastrophe and the History of Literature.” Globalisation and Literary Studies. Ed. Joel Evans. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2022. 21-34.
20. "The Europe of European Literary History." Proceedings of Conference on Literature and Law in Europe. Berlin: De Gruyter: 2023. 27-41.
21. “Afterword: Shakespeare’s Global Sonnets.” Ed. Jane Kingsley-Smith and W. Reginald Rampone. London: Palgrave, 2023. 381-98.
22. “The Europe of European Literary History.” Europe in Law and Literature: Transdisciplinary Voices in Conversation. Ed. Laura A. Zander and Nicola Kramp-Seidel. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2023. 27-41.
23. “Foreword to the Chinese Edition” of A History of European Literature. Forthcoming: Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang UP, 2024.