F.L. Huetwell Professor Emeritus
Primary Interests
Critical theory (materialist and formalist ideas and methods; cognitive studies); poetry and poetics (British, early nineteenth century through modernist and postmodernist movements).
- Board Member, School for Criticism and Theory, Cornell University
- Editorial Board, ELH
- Editorial Board, Literature 19 (NIneteenth-Century Online Review)
- Editorial Board, NINES
“The Book of Thel” by William Blake: A Critical Reading.” ELH 47 (1980), 287-303.
“Romantic Poetry: The State of the Art.” MLQ, 54 (1993), 183-214.
“News from Nowhere: The Discontents of Aijaz Ahmad.” Public Culture, Fall 1994, 97-133.
“Pre- and Post-Dialectical Materialisms: Modeling Praxis Without Subjects and Objects.” Cultural Critique, Fall 1995, 111-129.
“Revisionist Critique: An Account of the Practice.” The Literary Imagination, special issue, ed. Terence Hoagland, Spring 1998.
“Posthumous Critique.” In Near Ruins: Cultural Theory at the End of the Century. Ed. Nicholas Dirks. U of Minnesota P, 1998. 420-473.
“Picturing Pleasure: Some Poems by Elizabeth Bishop.” What’s Left of Theory: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory. Essays from the English Institute. Ed. Judith Butler, John Guillory. London: Routledge, 2000. 192-235.
“Object Loss and Object Bondage: Economies of Representation in Hardy’s Poetry.” ELH, Summer 2006, 549-580.
“A Motion and a Spirit: Romancing Spinoza.” Studies in Romanticism 46 (2007), 366-408. Rpt. Suhrkamp, forthcoming.
“What is New Formalism?” PMLA 122 (2007), 557-569; online full version, 45 pp.: sitemaker.umich.edu/pmla_article.
“Of Being Numerous.” Studies in Romanticism, 49 (2010), 633-657.
“Reflections on the New Historicism.” European Romantic Review 23 (2012) 355-362.
“Notes and Queries on Names and Numbers.” Romantic Circles Praxis, April 2013, http://romantic.arhu.umd.edu/praxis/numbers. 16 pp.
"Critical Response III: Response to Jonathan Kramnick and Anahid Nersessian, 'Form and Explanation,'” Critical Inquiry 44 (Autumn 2017).