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Erina Baci
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Robin Beck
Interim Director and Curator Eastern North American Archaeology; Professor, Department of Anthropology
3010 School of Education 734.764.1240
Ian Beggen
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Laura Bossio
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Matthew Brown
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Jhon Cruz Quinones
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Ying Cui
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
School of Education
Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Room 3024
Angela Feak
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Kent Flannery
James B. Griffin Distinguished University Professor of Anthropological Archaeology; Curator, Mueseum of Anthropological Archaeology
3010 School of Education 734.764.0485
Tiffany C. Fryer
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Assistant Curator of Historical and Contemporary Archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Suite 3010 School of Education Bldg (Room 3025)
610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259
Soren Frykholm
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Michael Galaty
Professor, Anthropology; Director and Curator, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology; Archaeology Subfield Head
3010 School of Education 734-647-1128
Dan Garner
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Raven Garvey
Associate Professor, Anthropology; Associate Curator, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
3010 School of Education 734.764.7571
Zhaneta Gjyshja
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Hannah Hoover
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
3010 School of Education Building
Drosos Kardulias
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Jennifer Larios
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Kara Larson
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Joyce Marcus
Robert L. Carneiro Distinguished Professor of Social Evolution; Curator, Latin American Archaeology, Museum
3010 School of Education 734.764.0485
Brett Meyer
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
James Munene
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Brendan Nash
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
John O'Shea
Professor, Anthropology; Curator, Great Lakes, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
3010 School of Education 734.763.5795
Gyorgyi Parditka
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Ally Sabo
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Giulia Saltini Semerari
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Assistant Curator, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
3010 School of Education Building
Megan Savoy
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Julian Schultz
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Brian Stewart
Associate Professor, Anthropology; Associate Curator, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
3010 School of Education 734.763.9864
Iride Tomazic
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Nicholas Trudeau
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Alicia Ventresca-Miller
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Assistant Curator, Archaeological Science, UMMAA
Suite 3010 School of Education Bldg (Room 3040)
610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259
phone: 734-764-0484
Joseph Wardle
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Henry Wright
Albert Clanton Spaulding Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology; Curator of Near Eastern Archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
3010 School of Education 734.763.9221
Lisa C. Young
Lecturer IV, Anthropology Intermittent Lecturer in the Residential College; Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
222-A West Hall, 1085. S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107 734.764.3337