Albert Clanton Spaulding Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology; Curator of Near Eastern Archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
hwright@umich.eduOffice Information:
3010 School of Education
phone: 734.763.9221
hours: By appointment via email
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1967; M.A., University of Chicago, 1965; B.A., University of Michigan, 1964Current Courses
ANTHRARC 483-001
Near Eastern Prehistory
ANTHRARC 582-001
Archaeology II
Highlighted Work and Publications
47. Elamite and Achaemenid Settlement on the Deh Luran Plain: Towns and Villages of the Early Empires in Southwestern Iran
Henry T. Wright, James A. Neely (editors)
The Deh Luran Plain, nestled in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains close to the modern border between Iraq and Iran, had a long and rich prehistory, beginning with the local development of villages dependent upon rainfall farming and herding in the 8th millennium B.C. These developed into networks of villages and small centers exploiting irrigation and agriculture, and these became...
See More43. Early State Formation in Central Madagascar: An Archaeological Survey of Western Avaradrano
Henry T. Wright (editor)
Distant Madagascar, the island at the end of the world, has many lessons to teach. The ancestors of the Malagasy people established themselves at least 1500 years ago. Again and again since their arrival, the Malagasy have created new kinds of political communities. This study concerns the indigenous state of Imerina in the central highlands. Archaeological survey and excavations in ...
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