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Undergraduate Majors


Students majoring in anthropology can earn either a B.A. or B.S. degree and choose to focus their studies with an optional submajor: archaeology; culture and media; environment and conservation; medical anthropology; politics, law, and economy; and power, identity, and inequality.

Human Origins, Biology, and Behavior

This major is particularly appropriate for students planning to continue in the health sciences and anyone interested in “whole organism” biology and ecology. Graduates of this program might choose to go on to medical school or pursue careers in fields like natural resource management, conservation, or animal behavior. Learn more

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What Can I Do with an Anthropology Degree?

The short answer: Just about anything! Anthropology majors have gone on to jobs in research, conservation, education, law, public policy, urban planning, public health, medicine, product development, communications, and marketing.

Anthropology students have chosen graduate training in public health, social work, public policy, as well as anthropology. Many have also gone on to professional programs in medicine, law, business, and veterinary school. Graduates from our program have pursued opportunities across the country and around the globe at educational institutions, museums, private companies, NGOs, and in programs like the Peace Corps, Americorps, and Teach for America. Watch our conversations with anthropology grads about where they are working now and how they are using their degree/s. Learn more about careers in anthropology.