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Research Faculty and Affiliates

John R. Alden
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Ruth Ann Armitage
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Sam Challis
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Tamás Polányi
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Susanne Reichert
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Robert Reynolds
Visiting Research Scientist, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
B. Holly Smith
Visiting Research Professor, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
J. Alyssa White
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Lisa C. Young
Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology; Lecturer IV, Department of Anthropology
101 West Hall, 1085. S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107 734.764.3337