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Throughout the 100-year history of the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology (formerly the Museum of Anthropology), our curators have mentored hundreds of students, many of whom have gone on to become teachers and researchers themselves. The Museum's family tree has branches that extend across the country and around the globe. Whether you are looking for one person in particular or seeking a broader understanding of the Museum's historical connections, we invite you to explore our list of alumni, organized alphabetically by curator, investigate the links to information about their research and current positions, and read about updates to their careers. 

We thank you for visiting our page for information on the alumni of the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology. We are currently updating, making changes, and gathering news & updates. ​Information concerning our alumni is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we ask for your help in sending corrections or updates (or if you have information you would like to share) to or by clicking here.