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Throughout the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology's 90-year history (formerly the Museum of Anthropology), our curators have mentored hundreds of students, many of whom have gone on to become teachers and researchers themselves. The Museum's family tree has branches that extend across the country and around the globe. Whether you are looking for one person in particular or seeking a broader understanding of the Museum's historical connections, we invite you to explore our list of alumni, organized alphabetically by curator, and investigate the links to information about their research and current positions.
Wilbert B. Hinsdale, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1922 - 1935
Click here for information about Wilbert B. Hinsdale.
Julian H. Steward, Curator of Archaeology (now North American Archaeology), 1928 - 1930
Click here for information about Julian H. Steward joining UMMAA.
Melvin R. Gilmore, Curator of Ethnology and Ethnobotany, 1929 - 1940
Click here for Melvin Gilmore's biography.
Benjamin March, Curator of Asia Archaeology, 1933 - 1934
Click here for more information about Benjamin March.
Emerson Greenman, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1935 - 1961
Click here for Emmerson Greenman's Biography
Lewis Binford, PhD 1964, A Study of Cultural Diversity: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Investigation of Cultural Diversity and Progressive Development Among Aboriginal Coastal Virgina and North Carolina. Former Professor of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University
A.B. Bailey DeVere, Curator of Asia 1936 - 1941
Volney H. Jones, Curator of Ethnology and Ethnobotany, 1937 - 1969
Click here for Volney H. Jones' biography.
Richard I. Ford, PhD 1968. An Ecological Analysis Involving The Population of San Juan Puebelo, New Mexico. Emerius Professor of Anthropology, former Director and Curator of Ethnology at Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, University of Michigan.
Richard Asa Yarnell, PhD. 1963. Aboriginal Relationships Between Culture And Plant Life In The Upper Great Lakes Region. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Emory University
James. B. Griffin, Director and Curator of Archaeology (now North American Archaeology), 1937 - 1974
Click here for James B. Griffin's Biography and here for the Griffin Years as Director.
Barbara E. Luedtke, PhD 1976. Lithic Material Distributions and Interaction Pattern During the Late Woodland Period in Michigan. Formerly Associate Director of the Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology at M.I.T., Professor of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
Rodger Heglar, PhD. 1974. The Prehistoric Population fo Cochiti Pueblo and Selected Inter-Population Biological Comparisons. Retired, Professor of Biological Anthropology at San Francisco State University, then San Diego County Medical Examiner's team Consultant in forensic anthropology and La Jolla artist
Sarah M. Nelson, PhD 1973. Chulmun Period Villages on the Han River In Korea: Subsistence and Settlement. Former Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Denver
James E. Price, PhD 1973. Settlement Planning and Archifact Distribution on The Snodgrass Site And Their Socio-Political Implications In The Powers Phase of Southeast Missouri. Formerly of Southwest Missouri State University and the Center for Archaeological Research.
Bruce D. Smith, PhD 1973. Middle Mississippian Explotation Of Animal Populations. Anthropologist and Curator at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History.
Roscoe H. Wilmeth, PhD 1972. The Woodland Sequence In The Central Plains. Formerly with the University of South Dakota, Prairie Archaeologist, Head of the Western Canada Section, Head of the Salvage Section, and Plateau Archaeologist during his tenure at the National Museum of Man.
Richard E. Blanton, PhD 1970 (Co-Chair Jeffrey Parsons). PREHISPANIC SETTLEMENT PATTERNS OF THE IXTAPALAPA PENINSULA REGION, MEXICO. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Purdue.
Robert L. Bettarel, PhD 1970. The Moccasin Bluff Site and The Woodland Cultures of Southwestern Michigan.
Earl J. Prahl, PhD 1970. The Middle Woodland Period of the Lower Muskegon Valley and the Northern Hopewellian Frontier. Formerly of the University of Toledo.
Lewis H. Larson Jr., PhD 1969. Aboriginal Subsistence Technology on the Southeastern Coastal Plan During The Late Prehistoric Period. Formerly Professor of Anthropology at the University of West Georgia.
David S. Brose, PhD 1968 (Co-Chair James E. Fitting). Archaeology of Summer Island - Changing Settlement Systems in Northern Lake Michigan. Current Position: Partner, Museum Strategies.
William B. Roosa, PhD 1968. Data On Early Sites In Central New Mexico.
George Carr Frison, PhD 1967. Archaeological Evidence of the Crow Indians in Northern Wyoming: A Study of a Late Prehistoric Period Buffalo Economy. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Wyoming.
Martha Ann Rolingson, PhD 1967. Temporal Perspective On The Archaic Cultures Of The Middle Green River Region, Kentucky. Current Position: Retired, Archaeologist with the Arkansas Archaeological Survey
Dan F. Morse, PhD 1967. The Robinson Site And Shell Mound Archaic Culture In The Middle South. Current Position: Retired, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Arkansas and archaeologist with Arkansas Archeological Survey, stationed at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro
Mark L. Papworth, PhD 1967. Cultural Traditions in the Lake Foreset Region During the Late High-Water Stages of The Post-Glacial Great Lakes. Former Professor of Anthropology at The Evergreen State College.
Charles E. Cleland, PhD 1966. The Prehistoric Animal Ecology and Ethno-Zoology of the Upper Great Lakes Region. Current Postion: Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Michigan State University and Curator Emeritus of Great Lakes Archaeology and Ethnology, MSU Museum
Jeffrey R. Parsons, PhD 1966. The Aztec Ceramic Sequence In The Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico. Click here for Jeff Parsons' biography. Click here for his memorial.
Alan McPherron, PhD 1965. The Juntunen Site and The Late Woodland Prehistory Of The Upper Great Lakes Area. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh.
Richard Flanders, PhD 1965. A Comparison of Some Middle Woodland Materials From Illinois and Michigan. Formerly Professor of Anthropology, Grand Valley State University
William E. Taylor, Jr. PhD 1965. The Arnapik And Tyara Sites: An Archaeological Study Of Dorset Culture Origins. Former director of the National Museum Of Man (now Canadian Museum OF Civilization) and former president of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
James E. Fitting, PhD. 1964. Late Woodland Cultures of Southeastern Michigan. Current Position: Attorney, Albuquerque, NM
Ronald J. Mason, PhD. 1964. Two Stratified Sites of the Door Penisula of Wisconsin. Current Position: Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at Lawrence University
Malcolm C. Webb, PhD. 1964. The Post-Classic Decline Of The Peten Maya: An Interpretation In The Light Of A General Theory Of State Society. Formerly Professor of Anthropology, University of New Orleans, New Orleans
Carol Irwin Mason, PhD. 1963. The Archaeology of Ocmulgee Old Fields Macon, Georgia. Current Position: Emerita Professor of Anthropology at Lawrence University
Peter Kunstadter, PhD. 1961. Culture Change, Social Structure, And Health Behavior: A Quantatitive Study Of Clinic Use Among The Apaches of the Mescalero Reservation.
Arthur J. Jelinek, PhD 1960. An Archaeological Survey Of The Middle Pecos River Valley And The Adjacent Llano Estacado. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, The University of Arizona
Charles McNutt, PhD 1959. Excavation and Interpretation of Early Puebloan Occupations at Tesuque By-Pass Site And In The Upper Rio Grande Valley. Emeritus Professor, Dept of Earth Science at The University of Memphis
Carl Haley Chapman, PhD 1959. The Origin of The Osage Indian Tribe. Formerly Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at University of Missouri, Columbia
Joffre Coe, PhD. 1959. Prehistoric Cultural Change and Stability in the Carolina Piedmont Area. Former Professor and Director of the Research Laboratories of Anthropology at University of North Carollina-Chapel Hill.
Wilfred D. Logan, PhD 1958. Analysis of Woodland Complexes in Northeastern Iowa. Formerly career National Park Service Archaeologist
Robert L. Carneiro, PhD 1957. Subsistence and Social Structure: An Ecological Study of the Kuikuru Indians. Current Position: American anthropologist and curator of the American Museum of Natural History, Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University
Robert L. Stephenson, PhD 1956. Accokeek: A Middle Atlantic Seaboard Culture Sequence. Former Director of South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology and State Archaeologist
Alfred Kidder Guthe, PhD 1956. The Late Prehistoric Occupation in Southwestern New York: An Interpretive Analysis. Former Director McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture and head of Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee
Dee Calderwood Taylor, PhD 1956. The Fremont Cultures: Their Position Ini Southwestern Prehistory. Former Chair and Professor of Anthropology at the University ofMontana-Missoula
Marian E. White, PhD 1956. Iroquois Culture History In The Niagara Frontier Area Of New York State. Former Professor of Anthropology, University of Buffalo
Robert H. Ewald, PhD 1954. San Antonio Sacatepequez: Culture Change in a Guatemalan Community.
William W. Newcomb, Jr., PhD 1953. The Culture And Acculturation Of The Delaware Indians. Former Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Texas and long-time Director of the Texas Memorial Museum
Wesley R. Hurt, Jr., PhD 1952. A Comparative Study of the Preceramic Occupations of North America. Former Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, Bloomington
Robert Anderson, PhD 1951. A Study of Cheyenne Culture History, With Special Reference to the Northern Cheyenne. Former Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Utah.
Hale G. Smith, PhD 1951. The Influence Of European Cultural Contacts Upon The Aboriginal Cultures. Former Professor of Anthropology, Florida State University
William H. Sears, PhD 1950. The Prehistoric Cultural Position In The Southeast Of Kolomoki, Early County, Georgia. Former Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Florida Atlantic University
William George Haag, Ph.D. 1948. An Osteometric Analysis of Some Aboriginal Dogs. Former Professor of Anthropology at Lousiana State University.
Frederick R. Matson, Curator of Ceramics, 1939 - 1942
Click here for more information about the Matson Collections.
K. Aga-Oglu, Curator of Asia Archaeology, 1941 - 1974
For the biography of K. Aga-Oglu, click here.
Albert C. Spaulding, Curator of North American Archaeology, 1947 - 1959
Charles H. Fairbanks, PhD. 1954. The Excavation of Mound C., Ocmulgee National Monument Macon, Georgia. Former Professor and Chair of the University of Florida Anthropology Department
Arthur Jelinek, Curator of Archaeology, 1960-67
Ronald Knox Wetherington, PhD 1964. Early Occupations In The Taos District In The Context Of Northern Rio Grande Culture History. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Southern Methodist University.
R. Keslin, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1961 - 1963
James E. Fitting, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1964 - 1968
David S. Brose, PhD 1968 (Co-Chair James B Griffin). Archaeology of Summer Island - Changing Settlement Systems in Northern Lake Michigan. Current Position: Partner, Museum Strategies.
Donald E. Janzen, PhD 1968. THE NAOMIKONG POINT SITE AND THE DIMENSIONS OF LAUREL IN THE LAKE SUPERIOR BASIN. Current Position: Retired, member with the Communal Studies Association and on the Board of Advisors with the Center for Communal Studies at the University of Southern Indiana
Peter P. Pratt, PhD 1966. Archaeology of the Oneida Iroquois as Related to Early Acculturation And To The Location Of The Champlain-Iroquois Battle of 1615. Current Position: Pratt & Pratt Archaeological Consultants Inc.
Albert T. Steegmann, PhD 1965. Relationships Between Human Facial Cold Response And Dimensions Of Facial Form: An Experimental Study In Physical Anthropology. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at State University of New York-Buffalo, Vice President New York Council for Evolution Education
Jeffrey R. Parsons, Emeritus Curator of Latin American Archaeology, 1966 - 2006
Click here for Jeffrey Parsons' memorial. and here for Jeffrey Parsons' biography.
J. Andrew Darling, PhD 1998. Obsidian Distribution and Exchange in the North-Central Frontier of Mesoamerica. Current Position: Manager and Principal Investigator at Southwest Heritage Research
Seung-Og Kim, PhD 1996 (Co-chair with Kent Flannery). POLITICAL COMPETITION AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION: THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENCE, RESIDENTIAL WARD, AND COMMUNITY IN THE PREHISTORIC TAEGONGNI OF SOUTHWESTERN KOREA. Current Position: Professor in the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Chonbuk National University, Korea
Frances M. Hayashida, PhD 1995. State Pottery Production in the Inka Provinces. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Carol Ann Goland, PhD 1991. Cultivating Diversity: Field Scattering as Agricultural risk Management in Cuyo Cuyo, Dept. of Puno, Peru. (Volumes I and II). Current Position: Executive Director of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA)
Charles Mansfield Hastings, PhD 1985. The Eastern Frontier: Settlement and Subsistence in the Andean Margins of Central Peru. Current Position: Retired, formerly Professor of Anthropology, Central Michigan University
Elinor Gordon Melville, PhD 1983. The Pastoral Economy and Environmental Degradation in Highland Central Mexico, 1530-1600. Formerly Associate Professor of History at York University.
Irene Marsha Silverblatt, Ph.D. 1981. Moon, Sun, and Devil: Inca and Colonial Transformation of Andean Gender Relations. Current Position: Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Duke University.
Darrell E. La Lone, Ph.D. 1978. Historical Contexts of Trade and Markets in the Peruvian Andes. Current Position: Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, DePauw University.
Elizabeth Brumfiel, PhD 1976. Specialization and Exchange at the Late Postclassic (Aztec) Community of Huexotla, Mexico. Former professor at Northwestern University and Albion College.
Richard Edward Blanton, PhD 1970 (Co-Chair James B. Griffin). PREHISPANIC SETTLEMENT PATTERNS OF THE IXTAPALAPA PENINSULA REGION, MEXICO. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Purdue.
Robert E. Whallon, Jr., Curator of Europe & Mediterranean Archaeology, 1966 - 2017
Click here for Robert Whallon's Profile Page.
Andrew A. White, PhD 2012, The Social Networks of Early Hunter-Gatherers in Midcontinental North America. Current Position: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina
Eugene Morin, PhD 2004, Late Pleistocene Population Interaction in Western Europe and Modern Human Origins: New Insights Based on The Faunal Remains From Saint-Cesaire, Southwestern France. Current Position: Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Trent University
Aaron J. Stutz, PhD 2002 (Co-Chair John Speth). Pursuing Past Seasons: A Re-evaluation of Cementum Increment Analysis in Paleolithic Archaeology. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, Emory University Oxford College
Lynn E. Fisher, PhD 2000 (Co-Chair John Speth). Land Use and Technology From Magdalenian to Early Mesolithic in Southern Germany. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of Illinois Springfield
Preston T. Miracle, PhD 1995. Broad-Spectrum Adaptations Re-Examined: Hunter-Gatherer Responses to Late Glacial Environmental Changes in the Eastern Adriatic. Current Position: Senior Lecturer in Zooarchaeology, Fellow of St John's College, University of Cambridge
Sylvia J. Chappell, PhD 1986. Stone Axe Morphology and Distribution in Neolithic Britain
Jerome A. Voss, PhD 1980. Tribal Emergence During The Neolithic Of Northwestern Europe. Former Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State University.
Michael A. Jochim, PhD 1975. Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence and Settlement: A Predictive Model. Current Position: Professor of Archaeology, University of California Santa Barbara
T. Douglas Price, PhD 1975. Mesolithic Settlement Systems In The Netherlands. Weinstein Emeritus Professor of European Archaeology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
William E. Engelbrecht, PhD 1971. A Stylistic Analysis of New York Iroquois Pottery. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Buffalo State College
John David Speth, PhD 1971. Technological Basis of Percussion
Flaking. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology and Curator Emeritus, North American Archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, University of Michigan.
H. Martin Wobst, PhD 1971. Boundary Conditions for PaleolithicCultural Systems: A SimulationApproach. Current Position: Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sarunas R. Milisauskas, PhD 1970. Archaeological Investigations On The Linear Culture in Little Poland. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, University at Buffalo-The State University of New York.
Arthur A. Saxe, PhD 1970. Social Dimensions Of Mortuary Practices. Formerly Professor of Anthropology at Ohio University Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at UMass Amherst.
Gary A. Wright, PhD 1968. Obsidian Analysis And Early Trade In The Near East: 7500 B.C. To 35 B.C. Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, State University of New York, University at Albany.
Kent V. Flannery, Curator of Human Ecology and Archaeobiology, 1966 - Present
Click here for Kent Flannery's Research Page, and here for Kent Flannery's Profile Page.
Stephen A. Dueppen, PhD 2008, Reinventing Equality: The Archaeology of Kirikongo, Burkina Faso. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Oregon
Seung-Og Kim, PhD 1996 (Co-chair with Jeffrey R. Parsons). POLITICAL COMPETITION AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION: THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENCE, RESIDENTIAL WARD, AND COMMUNITY IN THE PREHISTORIC TAEGONGNI OF SOUTHWESTERN KOREA. Current Position: Professor in the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Chonbuk National University, Korea
Katherine Moore, PhD 1989. Hunting and the Origins of Herding in Peru. Current Position: Practice Professor of Anthropology and Undergraduate Chair, University of Pennsylvania
David John Wilson, PhD 1985. Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Lower Santa Valley, North Coast of Peru: A Regional Perspective on the Origins and Development of Complex Society. Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University
William J. Parry, PhD 1983. Chipped Stone Tools in Formative Oaxaca, Mexico: Their Procurement, Production, and Use. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Hunter College
Charles S. Spencer, PhD 1981. The Cuicatlán Cañada And Monte Alban: Interregional Processes And Primary State Formation In Central Oaxaca. Current Position: Curator of Mexican and Central American Archaeology in the Division of Anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History
Robert Reynolds, PhD 1979 in Computer and Communication Sciences. An Adaptive Computer Model of the Evolution of Agriculture in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Professor of Computer Science, Wayne State University
John Winfield Rick, PhD 1978. The Preceramic Cultural Ecology Of The Central Peruvian Puna: High Altitude Hunters. Current Position: Associate Professor, Standford University
Michael E. Whalen, PhD 1976. Excavations At Santo Domingo Tomaltepec: Evolutin Of A Formative Community In The Valley Of Oaxaca, Mexico. Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Tulsa.
Robert D. Drennan, PhD 1975. Fabrica San Jose and Middle Formative Society In The Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh.
Ellen Messer, Ph.D. 1975 (Co-Chair Richard I. Ford). Zapotec Plant Knowledge: Classification, Uses and Communication about Plants in Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Visiting Associate Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, Tufts University.
Jane Wheeler (Pires-Ferreira), PhD 1973. Formative Mesoamerican Exchange Networks. Current Position: Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de Camélidos Sudamericanos
Susan Helene Lees, PhD. 1970. Socio-Political Aspects of Canal Irrigation in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, City University of New York.
C. Loring Brace, Curator of Human Osteology 1967 - 2008
For biography of C. Loring Brace, click here.
Noriko Seguchi, PhD 2000. Secular Change in the Japanese Occlusion: The Frequency of the Overbiteand its Association with Food Preparation Techniques and Eating Habits. Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Changes, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University
Conrad Bezekiah Quintyn, PhD 1999. The Morphometric Affinities of the Qafzeh and Skhul Hominids. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Albert R. Nelson, PhD 1998. A Craniofacial Perspective on North American Indian Population Affinities and Relations. Current Position: Independent Consultant, Adjunct Faculty in Anthropology at Western Wyoming Community College
Lucia Allen Yaroch, PhD 1994. Characterization of Neandertal Cranial Shape Using the Method of Thin-Plate Splines. Current Position: Senior Manager, Medical Writing at inSeption Group
Sonia Elizabeth Guillen, PhD 1992. THE CHINCHORRO CULTURE: MUMMIES AND CRANIA IN THE RECONSTRUCTION OF PRECERAMIC COASTAL ADAPTATION IN THE SOUTH CENTRAL ANDES. Current Position: Director of Centro Mallqui, Member of National Academy of Sciences
Kevin Dean Hunt, PhD 1989. Positional Behavior of Pan Troglodytes in the Mahale Mountains and Gombe Stream National Parks, Tanzania. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington
Karen R. Rosenberg, PhD 1986. The Functional Significance of Neandertal Pubic Morphology. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, University of Delaware
Patricia S. Bridges, PhD 1985. A Biomechanical Analysis of Two Prehistoric Amerindian Groups: Changes in Habitual Activities and the Division of Labor with the Transition from Hunting–and–Gathering to Agriculture. Formerly Associate Professor at Queens College and the graduate center CUNY
B. Holly Smith, PhD 1983. Dental Attrition in Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists. Current Position: Research Professor at The George Washington University, and Associate Research Scientist, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology University of Michigan
Margaret J. Schoeninger, PhD 1980. Bone Strontium Levels and Diet in Prehistoric Human Populations. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, UC San Diego
Alan S. Ryan, PhD 1980. SEM Studies of Anterior Tooth Microwear. Current Position: President and CEO, Clinical Research Consulting
Robert J. Hinton, PhD 1979. Influence of Dental Function on Form of the Human Mandibular Fossa. Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Frank Spencer, PhD 1979. A Chronicle of the Life and Work of an American Physical Anthropologist. Formerly Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology, Queens College.
Dean Falk, PhD 1976. External Neuroanatomy of the Cercopithecoidea. Current Position: Senior Scholar at the School for Advanced Research (SAR), and Distinguished Research Professor and the Hale G. Smith Professor of Anthropology at Florida State University.
Carol J. Lauer, PhD. 1976. Determinants of Troop Movement Patterns in Free-Ranging Rhesus Monkeys. Former Professor of Anthropology, Rollins College.
Margaret E. Hamilton, PhD 1975. Variation Among Five Groups of Amerindians in the Magnitude of Sexual Dimorphism of Skeletal Size. Former Professor of Anthropology, University of Delaware.
Antoinette B. Brown, PhD. 1973. Bone Strontium Content as a Dietary Indicator in Humal Skeletal Populations.
Paul E. Mahler, PhD 1973. Metric Variation in the Pongid Dentition. Formerly of Queens College CUNY.
Kenneth M. Weiss, PhD 1972. Model Life Tables for Pre-Industrial Populations . Current Position: Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology at Penn State
Richard G. Wilkinson, PhD 1970. Biological Relationships Among Middle And Late Woodland Populations In The Great Lakes Region. Professor Emeriti, Department of Anthropology at the University at Albany
Stephen Molnar, PhD 1968. Some Functional Interpretations of Tooth Wear in Prehistoric and Modern Man. Former Professor Emeritus and past Chair of Washington University's Department of Anthropology.
Henry T. Wright, Curator of Near East Archaeology, 1967 - Present
Click here for a link to Henry Wright's Research Page and here for Henry Wright's Profile Page.
Anna Antoniou, PhD 2020, Collaborative and Applied Archaeological Investigations of Marine Resource Use among the Chinook and Lower Chehalis in Willapa Bay, WA. Current Position: Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Muhammad Khadija, PhD 2017, The Nabataean Rock Carving Technique in Petra
Matthew V. Kroot, PhD 2014, Feeding Villages: Foraging and Farming across Neolithic Landscapes. Current Position: Academic Year Adjunct Lecturer, Santa Clara University
Cameron Gokee, PhD. 2012 (Co-Chair Carla Sinopoli), Daily Life in the Land of Bambuk: An Archaeological Study of Political Economy at Diouboye, Senegal. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University.
Robert Chidester, PhD 2009, Class, Community, and Materiality in a Blue-Collar Baltimore Neighborhood: An Archaeology of Hampden-Woodberry. Current Position: Archaeology Team Leader with The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
William D. Griffin, PhD 2009, The Matitanana Archaeological Project: Culture History and SocialComplexity in the Seven Rivers Region of Southeastern Madagascar. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, St. Charles Community College.
Kamyar Abdi, PhD 2002. Strategies of Herding: Pastoralism in the Middle Chalcolithic Period of the West Central Zagros Mountains. Current Position: Research Associate at the Iranian Center for Research on Humanities and Cultural Studies and a visiting Scholar at the Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture, University of California-Irvine
Sigrid Carrie Gabler, PhD 2005, Iron Furnaces and Future Kings: Craft Specialization and the Emergence of Political Power in Central Madagascar. Current Position: Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, Columbia University, Dept. of Neurology
Lynn Rainville, PhD 2001. The Organization of Domestic Activities in Upper Mesopotamian Households and Neighborhoods During the Early Bronze Age: A micro-archaeological and Architectural Approach. Current Position: Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Research Professor in Humanities at Sweet Briar College, Visiting Fellow at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Zoe Crossland, PhD 2001. Ny Tany Sy Ny Fanjakana The Land and The State: Archaeological LandscapeSurvey in the Andrantsay Region of Madagascar. Current Position: Associate Professor, Columbia University Anthropology
Alexander W. Barker, PhD 1999 (co-chair with Richard I. Ford). Chiefdoms and the Economics of Perversity. Current Position: Director of Univ of Missouri Museum and Research Professor
Kathryn E. Keith, PhD 1999 (Co-chair with Norman Yoffee). Cities, neighborhoods, and houses: Urban spatial organization in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Pierce College
Tristine Lee Smart, PhD 1999. Prestige Symbol Manipulation: Controlling Form and Meaning.
Monica L. Smith, PhD 1997. Strong economies, weak polities: The archaeology of central India in the early centuries A.D. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair in Indian Studes,
Geoffrey A. Emberling, PhD 1995 (Co-Chair with Norman Yoffee). Ethnicity and the state in early third millennium Mesopotamia. Current Position: Associate Research Scientist at the Kelsey Museum and Lecturer in Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan
John E. Robb, PhD 1995. From Gender to Class: Inequality in Prehistoric Italy. Current Position: Professor of European Prehistory, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
Elisabeth A. Bacus, PhD 1995 (Co-Chair with Karl Huterer). Political Economy and Interaction: Late Prehistoric Politics in the Central Philippine Islands. Current Position: Independent Consultant, formerly a lecturer in the archaeology of Southeaset Asia at the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London
Karen Mari Mudar, PhD 1993. Prehistoric And Early Historic Settlements On The Central Plain: Analysis Of Archaeological Survey In Lopburi Province, Thailand. Current Position: Archeologist, National Park Service
Timothy R. Pauketat, PhD 1991. The Dynamics of Pre-State Political Centralization if the North American Midcontinent. Current Position: Professor of Medieval Studies, University of Illinois
Patricia Wattenmaker, PhD 1990. The Social Context of Specialized Production: Reorganization of Household Craft and Food Economies in An Early Near Eastern State. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Virginia
Michelle Hegmon, PhD 1990. Style as a Social Strategy: Dimensions of Ceramic Stylistic Variation in the Ninth Century Northern Southwest. Current Position: Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of SustainabilityProfessor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University
Priscilla Keswani, PhD 1989. Mortuary Ritual and Social Hierarchy in Bronze Age Cyprus. Current Position: Independent Scholar and Pottery Specialist, University of Cyprus
Paul D. Welch, PhD 1986. Models of Chiefdom Economy: Prehistoric Moundville as a Case Study. Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University
Michael J. Shott, PhD 1986. Settlement Mobility and Technological Organization among Great Lakes Paleo-Indian Foragers. Current Position: Professor of Anthroplogy, University of Akron
Carla Sinopoli, PhD 1986. Material Patterning and Social Organization: A Study of Ceramics From Vijayanagara, South India. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Asian Archaeology, and Director of Museum Studies, University of Michigan
Melinda Ann Zeder, PhD 1985. Urbanism And Animal Explotation In Southwest Highland Iran 3400 - 1500 B.C. Current Position: Senior Research Scientist and Curator of Old World Archaeology in the Department of Anthropology of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, External Professor at Santa Fe Institute
Gina Lee Barnes, PhD 1983 (Co-Chair Karl Hutterer) Yayoi-Kufon Settlement Archaeology in the Nara Basin, Japan. Current Position: Professorial Research Associate, Department of History of Art and Archaeology, School of Arts SOAS University of London.
James J. Krakker, PhD 1983. Changing Socio-Cultural Systems during the Late Prehistoric Period in Southeast Michigan. Current Position: Collections Manager at Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Susan M. Pollock, PhD 1983. The Symbolism of Prestige: An Archaeological Example from the Royal Cemetary of Ur. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Naomi Miller, PhD 1982 (Co-Chairs: Richard I. Ford and Henry Wright). Economy and Environment of Malyan, A Third Millennium B.C. Urban Center in Southern Iran. Current Position: Current Position: Consulting Scholar, Near East Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum
Richard W. Redding, PhD 1981. Decision Making In Subsistence Herding Of Sheep And Goats In The Middle East. Current Position: Research Scientist at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan
Keith W. Kintigh, PhD 1982. Settlement Patterns in Late Zini Prehistory. Current Position: Associate Director and Professor of Anthropology in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
John R. Alden, PhD 1979. Regional Economic Organization in Banesh Period Iran. Current Position: Research Affiliate, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Arthur S. Keene, PhD 1979 (Co-Chair John D. Speth). Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Deciduous Forest: A Linear Programming Approach to Late Archaic Subsistence in the Saginaw Valley (Michigan). Current Position: Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Susan M. Kus, PhD 1979. Archaeology and Ideology: The Symbolic Organization of Space. Current Position: Professor of Anthroplogy, Rhodes College
Pauline Wilson Wiessner, PhD 1977. Hxaro: A Reginoal System of Reciprocity For Reducing Risk Among The !Kung San. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, The University of Utah
Robert J. Wenke, PhD 1975. Imperial Investments And Agricultural Developments In Parthian And Sassanian Khuzestan: 1500 B.C. To A.D. 640. Formerly Professor of Anthropology at University of Washington.
Robert M. Schacht, PhD 1973. Population And Economic Organization In Early Historic Southwest Iran. Formerly Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Northern Arizona University.
Gregory Johnson, PhD 1972. Local Exchange and Early State Development in Southwestern Iran. Current Position: Professor of Archaeology, CUNY
Edwin N. Wilmsen, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1968 - 1974
Richard I. Ford, Curator of Ethnology and Ethnobotany, 1969 - 2007
Click here for Richard Ford's Biography page.
Daphne E. Gallagher, PhD 2010, Farming Beyond the Escarpment: Society, Environment, and Mobility in Precolonial Southeastern Burkina Faso. Current Position: Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Anthropology University of Oregon
Bernice Sunday Eiselt, PhD 2006, The Emergence of Jicarilla Apache Enclave Economy During the 19 Century in Northern New Mexico. Current Position: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, SMU Dedman College
Patrick Christopher Livingood, PhD 2006, The Geographic Limit of Inter-Polity Interaction During the Mississippian: A View From the Pevey and Lowe-Steen Sites on the Middle Pearl River, Mississippi. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma
Severin Fowles, PhD 2004, The Making of Made People: The Prehistoric Evolution of Hierocracy Among the Northern Tiwa of New Mexico. Current Position: Chair, Department of Anthropology, Barnard College
John Norder, PhD 2003. Marking Place and Creating Space in Northern Algonquian Landscapes: The Rock-Art of the Lake of the Woods Region, Ontario. Current Position: NAGPRA Compliance Officer and Curator of Native American and Indigenous Studies and Engagement, Director of the Native American Institute and Associate Professor of Anthropology, Michigan State University
Alexander W. Barker, PhD 1999 (co-chair with Henry Wright). Chiefdoms and the Economics of Perversity. Current Position: Director of Univ of Missouri Museum and Research Professor
Debra Lynn Gold, PhD 1999. Subsistence, Health and Emergent Inequality in Late Prehistoric Interior Virginia. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, St. Cloud State University
Heather B. Trigg, PhD 1999. The Economy of Early Colonial New Mexico, AD 1598-1680: An Investigation of Social Structure and Human Agency Using Archaeological and Documentary Data. Current Position: Research Scientist at the Fiske Center of Archaeological Research
Kurt Fred Anschuetz, PhD 1998. Not waiting for the rain: Integrated systems of water management by pre-Columbian Pueblo farmers in north-central New Mexico. Current Position: Independent Consultant, Program Director Rio del Oso Anthropological Services, LLC
Claire McHale Milner, PhD 1998 (Co-chair with John O'Shea). Ceramic Style, Social Differentiation, and Resource Uncertainty in the Late Prehistoric Upper Great Lakes. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Penn State University
Virginia S. Popper, PhD 1995. Nahua Plant Knowledge and Chinampa Agriculture in the Basin of Mexico: AMiddle Postclassic Case Study. Current Position: Research Associate at the Fiske Center of Archaeological Research, Visiting Scientist at the Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David L. Asch, PhD 1995. Aboriginal Specialty-Plant Propagation: Illinois Prehistory and an Eastern North American Post-Contact Perspective.
Michael Allan Adler, PhD 1990 (Richard I. Ford, Co-Chair). Communities of Soil and Stone: An Archaeological Investigation of Population Aggregation Among the Mesa Verde region Anasazi, A.D. 900--1300. Current Position: William P Clements Endowed Executive Director, SMU-in Taos Campus, Southern Methodist University, Southern Methodist University
Elizabeth K. Leach, PhD 1991. Geoarchaeological Simulation of Western Kentucky Middle and Late Archaic Settlement Patterns.
David George Anderson, PhD 1990. Political Change in Chiefdom Societies: Cycling in the Late Prehistoric Southeastern United States. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Univ of Tennesses-Knoxville
Homer E. Jackson, PhD 1986. Sedentism and Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in the Lower Mississippi Valley: Subsistence Strategies During the Poverty Point Period. Current Position: Professor of Anthroplogy, Univeristy of Southern Mississippi
Margaret C. Scarry, PhD 1986. Change in Plant Procurement and Production Strategies During the Emergence of the Moundville Chiefdom. Current Position: Professor, Chair of Curriculum in Archaeology, and Director of Research Labs of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"Kim" Francis E. Smiley, PhD 1985. The Chronometrics of Early Agricultural Sites in North Eastern Arizona: Approaches to the Interpretation of Radiocarbon Dates Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Univ of Northern Arizona
"Chip" Wirt Henry Wills, PhD 1985. Early Agriculture in the Mogollon Highlands of New Mexico. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology (Archaeology), Univerisity of New Mexico
C. Wesley Cowan, PhD 1985. FROM FORAGING TO INCIPIENT FOOD PRODUCTION: SUBSISTENCE CHANGE AND CONTINUITY ON THE CUMBERLAND PLATEAU OF EASTERN KENTUCKY. (VOLUMES I AND II). Current Position: Independent consultant, Owner of Cowan Auctions. Formerly Cincinnati Museum of Natural History as Curator of Archaeology
Katherine Anne Spielmann, PhD 1982. Inter-Societal Food Acquisition Among Egalitarian Societies: An Ecological Study Of Plains/Pueblo Interaction In The American Southwest. Current Position: Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University
Naomi Miller, PhD 1982 (Co-Chairs: Richard I. Ford and Henry Wright). Economy and Environment of Malyan, A Third Millennium B.C. Urban Center in Southern Iran. Current Position: Consulting Scholar, Near East Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum
Paul E. Minnis, PhD 1981. Economic and Organizational Responses to Food Stress by Non-Stratified Societies: An Example From Prehistoric New Mexico. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, The University of Oklahoma
Vincas P. Steponaitis, PhD 1980. Ceramics, Chronology, And Community Patters At Moundville, A Late Prehistoric Site In Alabama. Current Position: Secretary of the Faculty Director, Office of Facutly Governance, Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Research Laboratories of Archaeology
Christopher George Carr, PhD 1979. Interpretation of Resistivity Survey Data From Earthern Archaeological Sites. Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University
Doreen Ozker, PhD 1977. An Early Woodland Community At The Schultz Site 2OSA2 In The Saginaw Valley And The Nature Of The Early Woodland Adaptation In The Great Lakes Region.
David Phillips Braun, PhD 1977. Middle Woodland - (Early) Late Woodland Social Change In the Prehistoric Central Midwestern U.S.
Stephen E. Plog, PhD 1977. A Multivariate Approach to the Explanation of Ceramic Design Variation. Current Position: Professor of Archaeology, University of Virginia
Wilma Elaine Wetterstrom, PhD 1976. The Effects of Nutrition On Population Size At Pueblo Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico. Current Position: Associate in Botany at the Harvard University Herbaria
Ellen Messer, Ph.D. 1975 (Co-Chair Kent Flannery). Zapotec Plant Knowledge: Classification, Uses and Communication about Plants in Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Visiting Associate Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, Tufts University.
Timothy Earle, PhD 1973. CONTROL HIERARCHIES IN THE TRADITIONAL IRRIGATION ECONOMY OF HALELEA DISTRICT, KAUAI, HAWAII. Former Chair and Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Northwestern University
Christopher Peebles, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1972 - 1981
Vincas P. Steponaitis, PhD 1980. Ceramics, Chronology, And Community Patters At Moundville, A Late Prehistoric Site In Alabama. Current Position: Secretary of the Faculty Director, Office of Facutly Governance, Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Research Laboratories of Archaeology
Thomas K. Black III, PhD 1978. A Method for Determining The Sex of Immature Human Skeletal Remains.
Karl L. Hutterer, Curator of Asia Archaeology, 1974 - 1991
Click here for information about Karl L. Hutterer.
Rasmi Shoocongde, PhD 1996 (Co-Chair with John Speth). FORAGER MOBILITY ORGANIZATION IN SEASONAL TROPICALENVIRONMENTS: A VIEW FROM LANG KAMNAN CAVE,WESTERN THAILAND. Current Position: Chair of Department of Anthropology at Silpokorn University, Bancock
Elisabeth A. Bacus, PhD 1995 (Co-Chair with Karl Huterer). Political Economy and Interaction: Late Prehistoric Politics in the Central Philippine Islands. Current Position: Independent Consultant, formerly a lecturer in the archaeology of Southeaset Asiaat the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London
Masao Nishimura, PhD 1992. Long-distance trade and the Development of Complex Societies in the Prehistory of the Central Philippines: The Cebu Central Settlement Case. (Volumes I-III). Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies.
Laura Lee Junker, PhD 1990. Long-distance Trade and the Development of Sociopolitical Complexity in Philippine Chiefdoms of the First Millennium to Mid-Second Millenium A.D. (Volumes I-III). Current Position: Professor, Univ of Illinois Chicago
Susan Alling Gregg, PhD 1986. Forager-Farmer Interaction Processes in the Neolithic Colonization of Central Europe
William K. MacDonald, PhD 1986. Some Implications of Societal Comp[lexity: Organizational Variability at Non Nok Tha, Thailand.
Gina Lee Barnes, PhD 1983 (Co-Chair Henry Wright) Yayoi-Kufon Settlement Archaeology in the Nara Basin, Japan. Current Position: Professorial Research Associate, Department of History of Art and Archaeology, School of Arts SOAS University of London.
William R. Farrand, Curator of Analytical Laboratory, 1975 - 2000
John D. Speth, Curator of North American Archaeology, 1975 - 2012
Click here for John Speth's Profile Page.
Khori S. Newlander, PhD 2012, Exchange, Embedded Procurement, and Hunter-Gatherer Mobility: A Case Study from the North American Great Basin. Current Position: Temporary Instructor, Anthropology and Sociology, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Jamie L. Clark, PhD 2009, Testing Models on the Emergence and Nature of Modern Human Behavior: Middle Stone Age Fauna from Sibudu Cave (South Africa). Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tineke R. Van Zandt, PhD, 2006, Shaping Stones, Shaping Pueblos: Architecture and Site Layout in Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, A.D. 1150 to 1600. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Pica Community College
Elizabeth A. Sobel, PhD 2004 (Co-Chair John O'Shea), Social Complexity and Corporate Households on the Southern Northwest Coast of North America, A.D. 1450--1855. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Missouri State
Julie P. Solometo, PhD 2004, The Conduct and Consequences of War: Dimensions of Conflict in East-Central Arizona. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, James Madison University
Graciela Susana Cabana, PhD 2002 (Co-Chair D. Andrew Merriwether). A Demographic Simulation Model to Assess Prehistoric Migrations. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, The University of Tennessee Knoxville
Aaron J. Stutz, PhD 2002 (Co-Chair Robert Whallon). Pursuing Past Seasons: A Re-evaluation of Cementum Increment Analysis in Paleolithic Archaeology. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, Emory University Oxford College
Renato Kipnis, PhD 2002. Foraging Societies of Eastern Central Brazil: An Evolutionary Ecological Study of Subsistence Strategy During the Terminal Pleistocene and Early/Middle Holocene. Current Position: Archaeology Director, Scientia Consultoria Cientifica
Lynn E. Fisher, PhD 2000. Land Use and Technology From Magdalenian to Early Mesolithic in Southern Germany. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of Illinois Springfield
John Benjamin Fitzhugh, PhD 1996. The Evolution of Complex Hunter-Gatherers in the North Pacific: An Archaeological Case Study from Kodiak Island, Alaska. Current Position: Profesor of Anthropology, University of Washington
Kari Brandt, PhD 1996 (Co-Chair with B. Holly Smith). The Effects of Early Agriculture on Native North American Populations: Evidence from the Teeth and Skeleton. Current Position: Senior Manager Consumer Insights at Brierley & Partners
Rasmi Shoocongdej, PhD 1996 (Co-Chair with Karl Hutterer). FORAGER MOBILITY ORGANIZATION IN SEASONAL TROPICALENVIRONMENTS: A VIEW FROM LANG KAMNAN CAVE,WESTERN THAILAND. Current Position: Chair of Department of Anthropology at Silpokorn University, Bancock
Alison E. Rautman, PhD 1991. The Environmental Context of Decision-making: Coping Strategies Among Prehistoric Cultivators in Central New Mexico. (Volumes I and II). Current Position: Professor, Center for Integrative Studies at Michigan State University
Rachel Caspari, PhD 1991. The Evolution of the Posterior Cranial Vault in the Central European Upper Pleistocene. Current Position: Department Chairperson, Central Michigan University
Michael A. Adler, PhD 1990 (Richard I. Ford, Co-Chair). Communities of Soil and Stone: An Archaeological Investigation of Population Aggregation Among the Mesa Verde region Anasazi, A.D. 900--1300. Current Position: William P Clements Endowed Executive Director, SMU-in Taos Campus, Southern Methodist University
John Watson Ives, PhD 1985. Northern Athapaskan Social and Economic Variability. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, University of Alberta
Robert Laurens Kelly, PhD 1985. Hunter-Gatherer Mobility and Sedentism: A Great Basin Study. Current Position: Professor of Archaeology, University of Wyoming
Thomas R. Rocek, PhD 1985. Correlates of Economic and Demographic Change: Navajo Adaptations on Northern Black Mesa, Arizona. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, University of Delaware
Arthur S. Keene, PhD 1979 (Co-Chair Henry Wright). Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Deciduous Forest: A Linear Programming Approach to Late Archaic Subsistence in the Saginaw Valley (Michigan). Current Position: Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Joyce Marcus, Curator of Latin American Archaeology, 1978 - Present
Click here for Joyce Marcus' Oaxaca Research, here for her Peru Research, and here for her Profile page.
Jo Osborn, PhD 2022, Jahuay: Maritime Specialization in a Littoral Topará Community (200 BC–AD 150)
Jordan Dalton, PhD 2020, Excavations at Las Huacas (AD 1200-1650): Exploring Elite Strategies and Economic Exchange during the Inca Empire. Current Position: Kalbfleisch Postdoctoral Fellow, Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History
Lacey Carpenter, PhD 2019, Households and Political Transformation: Daily Life During State Formation at Tilcajete, Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Hamilton College.
Chelsea Fisher, PhD 2019, Maya Farming Communities and the Long View of Sustainability at Tzacauil. Current Position: Assistant Professor in the Environmental Studies Program at Washington and Lee University
J. Rachel Lee, PhD 2016 (Co-Chair Carla Sinopoli), Household Change and Social Complexity in Mumun Pottery Period Korea, 1500-500 B.C. Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Washington, Center for Korea Studies
Anne M. Compton, PhD 2014, Shifting Trade Networks: Sub-Saharan to Atlantic Exchange in Central Ghana 1355-1725 CE. Current Position: Associate Director, Center for Academic Program Support, University of New Mexico
Howard Tsai, PhD 2012, An Archaeological Investigation of Ethnicity at Las Varas, Peru. Current position: Editor and Coordinator, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Michigan and Lecturer, South American Anthropology/Archaeology
Jennifer L. Carballo, PhD 2011, Social Interaction and Variation in Middle Formative Tlaxcala, Mexico: An Analysis of Ceramics from Two Village Societies. Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Véronique Bélisle, PhD 2011, Ak'awillay: Wari State Expansion and Household Change in Cusco, Peru (AD 600-1000). Current Position: Assistant Professor, Millsaps College
Allison R. Davis, PhD 2010, Excavations at Yuthu: A Community Study of an Early Village in Cusco Peru (400-100 BC). Current Position: Cultural Property Researcher, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Laura Paola Villamil, PhD 2005, Divergent Cityscapes: Urban Patterns at Two Ancient Maya Centers in Central Quintana Roo, Mexico. Current Position: Independent Educational Consultant, Sacbe College Counseling
Robert Jason Sherman, PhD 2005, Settlement Heterogeneity in the Zapotec State: A View from Yaasuchi, Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Ronald Alan Covey, PhD 2003. The Vilcanota Valley (Peru): Inka State Formation and the Evolution of Imperial Strategies. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin
Christina M. Elson, PhD 2003. Elites at Cerro Tilcajete: A Secondary Center in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Position: Managing Director, Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets at the University of Maryland
Jane E. Baxter, PhD 2000. An Archaeology of Childhood: Children and Material Culture in the 19th Century America. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, DePaul University
Jorge Silva, PhD 1996. Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Chillon River Valley, Peru. Current position: Professor, School of Archaeology, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of San Marcos (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), Lima, Peru
Richard G. Lesure, PhD 1995. Paso de la Amada: Sociopolitical Dynamics in an Early Formative Community. Current Position: Professor, Marilyn Beaudry-Corbett Endowed Chair in Mesoamerican Archaeology, UCLA
Leah D. Minc, PhD 1994. Political Economy and Market Economy Under Aztec Rule: A Regional Perspective Based on Decorated Ceramic Production and Distribution Systems in the Valley of Mexico. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Oregon State University
John Edward Clark, PhD 1994. The Development of Early Formative Rank Societies in the Soconusco, Chiapas,Mexico. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Brigham Young University
Hattula Moholy-Nagy, PhD 1994. Tikal Material Culture: Artifacts and Social Structure at a Classic Lowland Maya City. Current Position: Mesoamerican archaeologist and board member of The Moholy-Nagy Foundation, Inc.
Karen Elizabeth Bell, PhD 1992. Kingmakers: The Royal Women of Ancient Mexico. Current Position: Professor, Austin Community College
Holly Houghton, PhD 1990. Late Archaic Archaeological Sites of Northeastern Michigan
Marc Bermann, PhD 1990. Prehispanic Household and Empire - At Lukurmata, Bolivia . Current Position: Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Univ of Pittsburgh
Mark Barnard King, PhD 1988. Mixtec Political Ideology: Historical Metaphors and the Poetics of Political Symbolism
Olivier de Montmollin, PhD 1985. Classic Maya Settlement and Politics in the Rosario Valley, Chiapas, Mexico. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Thomas Michael Blake, PhD 1985. Canajaste: An Evolving Postclassic Maya State. Current Position: Department Head and Professor of Anthropology, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus
Jay C. Fikes, PhD 1985. Huichol Indian Identity and Adaptation. Current Position: Retired, Yeditepe University
Mary G. Hodge, PhD 1983. Aztec City-States. Former Professor of Anthropology at University of Houston, Clear Lake.
Elizabeth Ann Hart, PhD 1983. Prehistoric Political Organization of the Peruvian North Coast. Current Position: Associate Director, Admissions at Brown University
John M. O'Shea, Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, 1983 - Present
Click here for John O'Shea's Research page, and click here for John O'Shea's Profile page.
Colin Quinn, PhD 2017, The Crucible of Complexity: Community Organization and Social Change in Bronze Age Transylvania (2700-1320 BC), Current Position: Assistant Professor in the Anthropology Department, Hamilton College
Ashley Lemke, PhD 2016, Anthropological Archaeology Underwater: Hunting Architecture and Foraging Lifeways beneath the Great Lakes. Current Position: Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Ivan Cangemi, PhD 2016, A Scale-Free, Relational Approach to Social Development in Late-Prehistoric Tyrrhenian Central Italy. Current Position: Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Dept of Epidemiology, School of Public Health
Amy Nicodemus, PhD 2014, Bronze Age Economies of the Carpathian Basin: Trade, Craft Production, and Agro-Pastoral Intensification. Current Position: Assistant Professor Archaeology And Anthropology at University of Wisconsin LaCrosse
Emily Holt, PhD 2013, Economy and Environment in Complex Societies: A Case Study from Bronze Age Sardinia, Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University
Daniel C. Pugh, PhD 2010, The Swantek Site: Late Prehistoric Oneota Expansion and Ethnogenesis. Current Position: Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nazerbayev University
Paul Duffy, PhD 2010, Complexity and Autonomy in Bronze Age Europe: Assessing Cultural Developments in Eastern Hungary. Current Position: Co-Director of BAKOTA (the Bronze Age Körös Off-Tell Archaeology Project), Lecturer at University of Toronto
Alice Yao, PhD 2008, Culture contact and social change along China's ancient southwestern frontier, 900 B.C.--100 A.D, Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology and of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago
Meghan C.L. Howey, PhD 2006, Ritual, Resources, and Regional Organization in the Upper Great Lakes, A.D. 1200-1600. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology and Affiliate Associate Professor of Earth, University of New Hampshire
Elizabeth A. Sobel, PhD 2004 (Co-Chair John Speth), Social Complexity and Corporate Households on the Southern Northwest Coast of North America, A.D. 1450--1855. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Missouri State
John W. Norder, PhD 2003, Marking Place and Creating Space in Northern Algonquian Landscapes: the rock-art of the Lake of the Woods region, Ontario. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, Michigan State University
Konstantina E. Michelaki, PhD 1999. Household Ceramic Economies: Production and Consumption of Household Ceramics Among the Maros Villagers of Bronze Age Hungary. Current Position: Associate Professor, Human Evolution and Social Change Arizona State University
William A. Parkinson, PhD 1999. The Social Organization of Early Copper Age Tribes on the Great Hungarian Plain. Current Position: Associate Curator, Field Museum, American Director of the Körös Regional Archaeological Project, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University
Claire McHale Milner, PhD 1998 (Co-chair with Richard I. Ford). Ceramic Style, Social Differentiation, and Resource Uncertainty in the Late Prehistoric Upper Great Lakes. Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Penn State University
Craig Phillip Howe, PhD 1995. ARCHITECTURAL TRIBALISMin The Native American New World. Current Position: Director of the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies
Carla M. Sinopoli, Curator of Asia Archaeology, 1993 - 2018
Click here for Asian Archaeology Research page, and click here for Carla Sinopoli's Profile page.
J. Rachel Lee, PhD 2016 (Co-Chair Joyce Marcus), Household Change and Social Complexity in Mumun Pottery Period Korea, 1500-500 B.C. Current Position: Instructor, Tenure Track - Shoreline Community College
Andrew W. Gurstelle, PhD 2015, The House of Oduduwa: An Archaeological Study of Economy and Kingship in the Save Hills of West Africa. Current Position: Academic Director and Assistant Teaching Professor, Museum of Anthropology & Department of Anthropology, Wake Forest University
Elizabeth Bridges, PhD. 2015, Beyond Empire: Vijayanagara Imperialism and the Emergence of the Keladi-Ikkeri Nayaka State, 1499-1763 C.E. Current Position: Research Affiliate at the University of South Carolina, South Carolina Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology
Uthara Suvarthan, PhD 2013, Complexity on the Periphery: A Study of Regional Organization at Banavasi, c.1st - 18th Century A.D. Current Positin: Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Anthropology, Cornell Institute of Archaeology and MaterialStudies (CIAMS)
Matthew D. Gallon, PhD 2013, Ideology, Identity and the Construction of Urban Communities: The Archaeology of Kamphaeng Saen, Central Thailand (c. Fifth to Ninth Centuries CE). Current Position: Adjunct Professor, Middlesex Community College
Cameron D. Gokee, PhD 2012 (Co-Chair Henry Wright), Daily Life in the Land of Bambuk: An Archaeological Study of Political Economy at Diouboye, Senegal. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University.
Amanda Logan, PhD 2012, A History of Food Without History: Food, Trade, and Environment in west-central Ghana in the Second Millennium AD. Curren Position: Associate Professor, Northwestern University
Hemanth Kadambi, PhD 2011, Sacred Landscapes in Early Medieval South India: the Chalukya state and society (ca. AD 550-750). Current position: Instructional Assistant Professor, Illinois State University
Alice Yao, PhD 2008, Culture contact and social change along China's ancient southwestern frontier, 900 B.C.--100 A.D, Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology and of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago
Min Li, PhD 2008, Conquest, Concord, and Consumption: Becoming Shang in Eastern China. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, UCLA
Despina Margomenou, PhD 2005, Food storage, surplus and the emergence of institutionalized inequality: A study of storage jars and food storage for central Northern Greece in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Current Position: Lecturer in the Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan
Robert Brubaker, PhD 2004, Cornerstones of Control: The Infrastructure of Imperial Security atVijayanagara, South India. Current Position: Instructor, J. William Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences
William Honeychurgh, PhD 2004, Inner Asian Warriors and Khans: A Regional Spatial Analysis of Nomadic Political Organization and Interaction. Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology at Yale University.
Lars Fogelin, PhD 2003, Beyond the Monastery Walls: The Archaeology of Early Buddhism in NorthCoastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Current position: Associate Professor of Anthropology at The University of Arizona.
Amy Lawson, PhD 2003, Megaliths and Mande states: Sociopolitical change in the Gambia Valley Over The Past Two Millennia. Current Position: Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Robin Beck, Curator of Eastern North American Archaeology, 2010 - Present
Click here for Rob Beck's research Page, and here for his Profile page.
Kimberly Swisher, PhD 2024, The Averett Culture: Migration, Mississippianization, and Community Practice in the Lower Chattahoochee River Valley.
Martin Menz, PhD 2023, Re-assessing Village Life at Hunter-Gatherer Ceremonial Centers: Occupation at Letchworth Mounds (8JE337)
Elspeth Geiger, PhD 2023, Power and Provisions in Anishinaabewaki: Re-Contextualizing Human-Environment Interactions During the Great Lakes Fur Trade.
Ashley Schubert, PhD 2023, Tradition and Transformation: Mississippian Households and Communities in the Appalachian Summit, AD 1200-1600. Current Position: Lecturer at the University of New Hampshire
Tim Everhart, PhD 2022, A Study of Scioto Hopewell Monuments and Monumentality.
Christina Sampson, PhD 2019, Safety Harbor at the Weeden Island Site: Late Pre-Columbian Craft,Community, and Complexity on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Current Position: Faculty member at Everett Community College, Everett WA.
Jess Beck, PhD 2016, The Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Practice at Marroquíes Bajos, Spain, Current Position: Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Fellow) at University College Dublin.
Casey Barrier, PhD 2014, The Mississippian Transition at the Washausen Site: Demography and Community at a Tenth-Eleventh Century A.D. , Current Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology, Bryn Mawr
Alice Wright, PhD 2014, Inscribing Interaction: Middle Woodland Monumentality in the Appalachian Summit, 100 BC -- AD 400., Current Position: Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University
Brian Stewart, Associate Curator of African Archaeology, 2013 - Present
Click here for Brian Stewart's Research page, and click here for Brian Stewart's Profile page.
Yuchao Zhao, PhD 2022, Taming the Plateau: From Hunting to Herding in the Fourth Millennium BP at Meilong Cave, western Tibet. Current Position: Assistant Professor at Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University
Kyra Pazan, PhD 2022, The Last Glacial Maximum and Acceleration of Technological Change in the Lesotho Highlands. Current Position: Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology, California State University Stanislaus
Bree Doering, PhD 2020, Evaluating the Social and Environmental Process of the Dene/Athabascan Migration from the Subarctic. Current Position: Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming
Tiffany C. Fryer, Assistant Curator of Historical And Contemporary Archaeology, 2022-Present
Click here for Tiffany Fryer's profile page.
Giulia Saltini Semerari, Assistant Curator Mediterranean Archaeology, 2022-Present
Click here for Giulia Saltini Semerari's research page.