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European Archaeology

UMMA 7105: Stone tool from Peason's Pit, Dartford, Kent; UMMA 7106: Stone tool from Swanscomb

The Museum of Anthropological Archaeology's European collections have long consisted primarily of Paleolithic materials. This focus began with donations from Professor McCurdy from his excavations in the 1920s, primarily in France, and was later enlarged with additional materials from France. However, these collections also include a substantial body of Middle Paleolithic materials from the site of Tabun, in Israel, and some Lower Paleolithic artifacts from Africa.

Recently, the European collections have been expanded with the addition of Neolithic to Bronze Age collections from Hungary, and more materials from later periods will likely be added from new field projects currently being organized by the Museum in southeastern Europe. 

The Paleolithic collections are used extensively in training students in lithic technology and typology. The teaching collection also includes a number of replicas. Both the artifacts and casts are important in affording students hands-on experience with Paleolithic materials.