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Teaching and Research Initiatives

The 2017 Biology of Birds class, with professor Dave Ewert (left).

Every contribution to the University of Michigan Biological Station provides opportunities for innovation and the ability to educate and empower the next generation of environmental problem solvers.

Interested in funding teaching and/or research, but unsure which fund to choose? Consider giving to the Biological Station Discretionary Fund that broadly supports all UMBS programs.

Give now: U-M's On-line Giving Portal.

Funds That Support Teaching and Research at UMBS

  • Alfred H. Stockard Family Endowment: Used to attract scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, and renowned teachers to UMBS to advance education and research about the role of animals - vertebrate and/or invertebrate - in our world. Give now.
  • CLEAR Fund: Community & Lakes Environmental Awareness and Research (CLEAR) began as a student project at UMBS from 1977-81. This fellowship supports students who continue CLEAR’s tradition of conducting freshwater ecosystems research that engages local communities. Give now.

  • David M. & Marian P. Gates Graduate Student Support: Provides graduate student research support. (571956-endowment)
  • Henry Allan Gleason Graduate Student Fellowship: Provides research funding to graduate students in plant ecology. Give now.
  • J.B. and Marilyn McKenzie Graduate Student Fellowship: Provides graduate student research support. Give now.
  • Mort Neff Graduate Student Scholarship: Provides graduate student research support. (572169-endowment only) Give now.
  • Stellanova and Chase S. Osborn Endowment: Provides support for research and facilities improvements at the Chase. S. Osborn Preserve on Sugar Island. (795218-endowment only)