A. V. Flint Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1995 in memory of A. Verne Flint, who was a member of the Math Department’s faculty. It is to be used to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the Department of Mathematics.
2005 | John Mackay |
2006 | Tigran Ananyan |
2008 | Brian Jennings |
2010 | Zhixian Zhu |
2012 | Xiaolei Zhao |
2013 | Jeremy West |
2014 | Zhibek Kadyrsizova |
2015 | Jiaqi Li |
2016 | Feng Zhu |
2017 | Francesca Gandini |
2020 | Jiajia Guo |
2021 | Christina Athanasouli |
2022 | Ram Ekstrom |
2023 | Chuhao Sun |
2024 | Brian Chen |
Alice Webber Glover Fund
This fund was established in 1976 from the estate of Alice Webber Glover to be used for scholarships for students enrolled in the University of Michigan’s Mathematical Department, especially those in actuarial science.
2006 | Dennis Clark, David Constantine, Leo Goldmakher, Hester Graves, Geri Izbicki, Brian Jennings, Jason Kutch, Aaron Magid, Johanna Mangahas, Kevin Tucker, Marshall Williams |
2007 | Taeyong Ahn, Xueying Hu, Wansu Kim, John Mackay |
2008 |
Clara Blakelock, Sohhyun Chung, Ajinkya More, Lei Wang
2011 | Pedro Acosta, Harry Altman, Samuel Altschul, Huaiying Gu, Daniel Hathaway, Seung Jin Lee, Kin Kwan Leung, J. Felipe Perez, Ariel Shnidman, Mary Wootters, Xin Zhou |
2013 | Pedro Acosta, Adam Kaye, David Renardy, Gregory Simon, Tengren Zhang |
2014 | Daniel Barter, Andrew Brouwer, Brandon Carter, Gabriel Frieden, Trevor Hyde, Grace Ingermanson, Jake Levinson, Bowei Wu, Ming Zhang, Zhou Zhou |
2015 | Stefan Froehlich, Jake Levinson, Michael Newman, Wenling Shang, Jiah Song |
2016 | John Holler, Daniel Irvine, Patrick Lenning, Xiaoyang Li, Robert Lutz |
2017 | Yuanyuan Chen, Lara Du, Alana Huszar, Mitul Islam, Claire Lin, Takumi Murayama, Andrew O’Desky, Yonatan Shelah, Alexander Vargo, Umang Varma, Ningyuan Wang, Xin Zhang, Hai Zhu |
2018 | Jacob Haley, Monica Lewis, Yuchen Liao, Nathanial Vaughn |
2022 | Chuhao Sun |
2023 | Ethan Zell |
2024 | Hongyi Zhou |
Allen Shields Memorial Fellowship
The Allen Shields Memorial Fellowship was established in 1989 by Smilka Zdravkovska, an Associate Editor of Mathematical Reviews, in memory of her husband, Professor Allen Shields. Professor Shields was born in 1927 in New York, NY. He received his B.S. from City College in 1949 and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1952. Professor Shields taught at Tulane University before joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1956. During his career, he was a visitor at New York University, Université de ParisSud,MittagLeffler Institute in Stockholm, University of California Los Angeles, and Steklov Mathematical Institute in Leningrad. At the University of Michigan, Professor Shields served as Chair from 1975-1977 and from 1980-1981.
In 1979, the University honored him with a Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award. He also directed twenty-six doctoral dissertations, more than any other faculty member in the history of the Mathematics Department at the University of Michigan. Professor Shields gained worldwide recognition for his research in topological semigroups, complex analysis, and operator theory. He was especially well known for his work combining functional analysis with problems of classical analysis. During the last three years of his life, Professor Shields wrote a series of historical articles for the “Years Ago” column of The Mathematical Intelligencer. After his death in 1989 from cancer, a special issue (Spring 1990) was dedicated to his memory. The fellowship, established in his memory, is intended to provide financial support for graduatestudents.
2002 | Theron Hitchman |
2003 | Abigail Ochberg |
2004 | Alina Andrei |
2005 | Mihaela Ciupe |
2006 | Serban Costea |
2008 | Katarina Bodova |
2011 | Eugene Eisenstein |
2012 | Aurel (Mihai) Fulger |
2013 | Sarah Mayes |
2014 | Michael Chmutov |
2015 | Daniel Hathaway |
2017 | Jeremy Hoskins |
2018 | Elizaveta Rebrova |
2019 | Joseph Kraisler |
2020 | Aleksander Horawa |
2021 | Karen Butt |
2022 | Christina Athanasouli |
2023 | Nicholas Wawrykow |
2024 | Benjamin Riley, Sam Cochran |
Allotta Family Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2005 by the Allotta Family to provide scholarship support to a student in the Mathematics Department.
2017 | Zhan Jiang |
Arthur Herbert Copeland, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1970 in memory of Emeritus Professor Arthur H. Copeland, Sr., by his wife Dorothy Copeland, and son, Arthur H. Copeland, Jr. Professor Copeland, a pioneer in the development of probability theory, was born in 1898. He graduated from Amherst College with a B.S. in 1921 and received his doctorate in Mathematics from Harvard University 1926.
Professor Copeland taught at Rice University and the University of Buffalo before joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1929 as an assistant professor. He was promoted to full professor in 1943 and retired from the department in 1968. He was the author of numerous papers, primarily in the foundations of probability, mechanics, and analysis. His range of interests also included game theory, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry by vector methods. Professor Copeland was a member of the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, in which he was an elected fellow. He died in 1970.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial support for Mathematics graduate and undergraduate students engaged in various scholarly or research projects.
2004 | Tobias Berger, Elizabeth Chen, Brian Jacobson, Kevin Wildrick |
2005 | Tigran Ananyan, Russell Golman, Wansu Kim |
2006 | Jose Gomez-Guerra, Johnson Jia, Marc Krawitz, Hyekyung Min, Tomoki Ohsawa |
2007 | Sebastien Chivoret, Hualong Feng, Sukmoon Huh, Thiradet Jiarasuksakun, Bart Kastermans, Kenneth Keppen, Rizwanur Khan, Kyung Yong Lee, Nam-Hoon Lee, Tong Liu, John Mackay, Jared Maruskin, Hyekyung Min, Alvaro Pelayo, Feng Rong, Sourya Shrestha |
2008 | Henry Boateng, Jose Gonzalez, Ross Kravitz, Nina White |
2009 | Samuel Altschul, Jordan Watkins |
2010 | Peter Bosler, Max Glick, Xin Zhou |
2011 | David Benson-Putnins, Adam Kaye, Russell Ricks |
2013 | Daniel Barter |
2014 | Harold Blum, Audra McMillan |
2015 | Derek Wood |
2017 | Grace Ingermanson, Alexander Zaitzeff |
2020 | Xiaoyu Dong |
2021 | Carsten Petersen |
2022 | Ethan Zell |
2023 | Jineon Baek |
2024 | Zenan Fu |
Ben Dushnik Scholarship Award in Mathematics
This fund was established in 1981 to provide support to graduate students in Mathematics.
2013 | Harry Altman, Yi Su |
2014 | Corey Everlove |
2017 | Yuxin Wang |
Cameron and John Courtney Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2004 in honor of Cameron and John Courtney for graduate students studying mathematics.
2005 | Shin-Yao Jow |
2006 | Jose Gonzalez, John Mackay, Nicholas Rupprecht |
2007 | Nathan Totz, Crystal Zeager |
2008 | Fidel Jimenez, Benjamin Weiss |
2009 | Sarah Mayes, Dave Starinshak |
2010 | Aurel Fulger, Ting Wang |
2011 | Peter Bosler, Yefeng Shen |
2012 | Corey Everlove, Yefeng Shen |
2013 | Zhibek Kadyrsizova |
2015 | Francesca Gandini, Yining Lu, Alexander Munk |
2016 | Andrew Melfi, Jiah Song |
2017 | Christina Athanasouli, Yunze Lu |
2020 | Peter Dillery |
2021 | Patrick Kelley |
2022 | Qiusheng Zhao |
2023 | Oliver Knitter |
2024 | Guanhua Sun |
Carroll V. Newsom Scholarship
The Carroll V. Newsom Scholarship was established in 1990 in memory of Professor Carroll V. Newsom. Professor Newsom, born in 1905, was known as a mathematics prodigy and received his first teaching position at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX, at the age of 14. He received his B.A. in Mathematics from College of Emporia and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
He taught for 11 years at the University of New Mexico, the University of Michigan, Kansas State Teachers College, and the University of Chicago. He was editor of the American Mathematical Monthly and a co-founder of the Association for Symbolic Logic. Professor Newsom served as associate commissioner for higher education for New York State for five years and as assistant commissioner for two years. He joined New York University as an executive vice president in 1955 and was appointed president one year later.
Professor Newsom was considered a pioneer in educational television. He edited one of the first books on the subject, “A Television Policy for Education,” for the American Council on Education. He was also a member of the Joint Committee on Educational Television and chairman of the board for the Metropolitan Educational Television Association.
He resigned from New York University in 1961, taking a position as a senior vice president with Prentice Hall, Inc. and later became the president of the publishing house. He worked as a vice president for RCA before retiring 1969. Professor Newsom died in 1990. The scholarship, established in his memory, is intended for financial support for graduate students.
2004 | Sarah Crown, Afsaneh Mehran, Alison Northup, Svetlana Simakhina |
2005 | Jonathan Bober, Felipe Ramirez |
2006 | Aubre da Cunha, Oscar Fernandez, Daniel Hernandez, Chelsea Walton |
2008 | Oscar Fernandez, Steven Flores, Ricardo Portilla, Crystal Zeager |
2009 | Aubrey daCunha |
2011 | Luis Nunez-Betancourt |
2014 | Raymundo Navarrete, Suchandan Pal |
2015 | Amanda Bower, Sachi Hashimoto, Amy Nesky |
2017 | Jonathan Guzman, Aleksander Horawa, Eamon Quinlan, Kannappan Sampath, Nawaz Sultani, Derrick Sund, Konstantinos Tsouvalas, John Wakefield |
2020 | Andres Martinez Servellon |
2021 | Joanne Dong |
2022 | Cyril Cordor |
2023 | Malavika Mukundan |
Cortright Fellowship
2019 | Yongkai Qiu |
Departmental Scholarship Spring
2004 | Sebastien Chivoret, Hualong Feng, Sukmoon Huh, Thiradet Jiarasuksakun, Bart Kastermans, Kenneth Keppen, Rizwanur Khan, Kyung Yong Lee, Nam-Hoon Lee, Tong Liu, John Mackay, Jared Maruskin, Hyekyung Min, Alvaro Pelayo, Feng Rong, Sourya Shrestha |
2005 | Arvind Baskaran, Henry Boateng, Katarina Bodova, Elizabeth Chen, Jiarui Fei, Christopher Hammond, Kyle Hofmann, Johnson Jia, Kenneth Keppen, Rizwanur Khan, Ryan Kinser, Cagatay Kutluhan, Nam-Hoon Lee, Joel Lepak, Afsaneh Mehran, Alvaro Pelayo, Matthew Smith, Alan Stapledon, Giancarlo Urzua, Diane Vavrichek, Lei Wang, Kevin Wildrick, Hao Xing, Bo Yang, Hsu-Wen Young, Oichi Yuen |
2006 | Henry Boateng, Jasun Gong, Mark Iwen, Fidel Jimenez, Shin-Yao Jow, Brian Jurgelewicz, Hyosang Kang, Rizwanur Khan, Wansu Kim, Cagatay Kutluhan, Kyongyong Lee, Michael Lieberman, Victor Lozovanu, Gregory McNulty, Yogesh More, Feng Rong, Jordan Sahattchieve, Matthew Smith, Giancarlo Urzua, Diane Vavrichek, Liz Vivas, Lei Wang, Emily Witt, Hao Xing, Zhengjie Xu, Bo Yang, Hsu-Wen Young |
2008 | Clara Blakelock, Henry Boateng, Kelli Carlson, Sohhyun Chung, Jiarui Fei, Jose Gonzalez, Mark Iwen, Stephanie Jakus, Fidel Jimenez, Paul Johnson, Shin-Yao Jow, Brian Jurgelewicz, Hyosang Kang, Daniel Kneezel, Marc Krawitz, Cagatay Kutluhan, Michelle Lee, Michael Lieberman, Victor Lozovanu, Aaron Magid, Ray Maleh, Gregory McNulty, Ajinkya More, Tomoki Ohsawa, Jordan Sahattchieve, Alan Stapledon, Elizabeth Twentyman, Giancarlo Urzua, Liz Vivas, Ting Wang, Emily Witt, Szymon Wojczyszyn, Qian Yin, Hsu-Wen Young |
2009 | Sohhyun Chung, William Gignac, Huaiying Gu, Shawn Henry, Xueying Hu, Yu-Jui Huang, Hyosang Kang, Jae Kyoung Kim, Marc Krawitz, Kin Kwan Leung, Sijun Liu, Zhipeng Liu, Linquan Ma, Joseph Marincel, Ajinkya More, Hieu Ngo, Tomoki Ohsawa, Kristofer-Roy Reyes, Julian Rosen, Geoffrey Scott, Lindsey Selegue, Luis Serrano, Nathan Totz, Aditi Vashist, Michael Von Korff, Ting Wang, Benjamin Weiss, Nina White, Jinchen Wu, Yilun Wu, Zhengjie Xu, Zhixian Zhu |
2010 | Samuel Altschul,Jennifer Beichman, Florian Block, Ernest Brooks, Sohhyun Chung, Timothy Ferguson, Huaiying Gu, Shawn Henry, Xueying Hu, Yu-Jui Huang, Zhao Lan, Kin Kwan Leung, Sijun Liu, Linquan Ma, Lindsey McCarty, Hieu Ngo, Luis Nunez Betancourt, Tomoki Ohsawa, Ricardo Portilla, Nicholas Rupprecht, Burhan Sadiq, Paul Shearer, Yefeng Shen, Mark Shoemaker, Dave Starinshak, Nathan Totz, Aditi Vashist, Jordan Watkins, Benjamin Weiss, Jingchen Wu, Yilun Wu |
2011 | Linquan Ma, Alfredo Wetzel, Yilun Wu, Xiaolei Zhao |
2012 | Zhibek Kadyrsizova, Seung Jin Lee, Sijun Liu, Linquan Ma, Hieu Ngo |
2013 | Giwan Kim, Mary Wootters, Xin Zhou |
2017 | Daniel Barter, Rankeya Datta, Lara Du, Han Huang, Grace Ingermanson, Yining Lu, Rongxiao Mi, Takumi Murayama, Raymundo Navarrete, Michael Newman, Ashwath Rabindranath, Jiah Song, Matthew Stevenson, Yan Shuo Tan, Feng Wei, Yun Wei, Derek Wood, Ming Zhang |
2018 | Brandon Carter (Winter), Gabriel Frieden (Winter), Alexander Leaf (Winter) |
Donald J. Lewis Fellowships
This fund was established in 2015 from the bequest of Carolyn Dana Lewis in honor of her husband, Professor Emeritus Donald J. Lewis. Professor Lewis was on the Michigan mathematics faculty from 1961 to 2000. He served as the department chair from 1984-1994. The fund will provide graduate student fellowships.
2020 | Kartik Ganapathy, Alexander Ginsberg |
2021 | Yifeng Huang |
2022 | James Hotchkiss |
2023 | Andy Jiang |
2024 | Jasper Liang, Teresa Yu |
E.S. & A.C. Everett Memorial Scholarship - Mathematics
This scholarship was established in memory of Emeritus Professor Edward Simpson Everett and his wife, Amanda Cowen Everett, in 1968. Professor Everett, born in 1883, spent one year (1900-1901) at Trinity College before becoming an editorial writer and cartoonist in Rhode Island, including several years with the Providence Journal. In 1910 he moved to Chicago where he continued to work as a journalist and cartoonist. He also spent time as a staff member for Dan Beard, a pioneer in founding the Boy Scouts of America.
In 1911 he entered the University of Michigan and received his B.A. in 1914. He continued his education at the University of Michigan and received his Master’s (1915) and Ph.D. (1921) in English. In 1922, he joined the University of Michigan as an assistant professor in the Department of Rhetoric (renamed the Department of English in 1930). He retired from the Department of English in 1953 and died in 1967.
Professor Everett’s area of scholarly interest was the Victorian novel, particularly concerning the works of Charles Dickens. His professional concern regarding the teaching of composition is reflected in his co-authorship of The Michigan Deskbook of English, published in 1935.
Professor Everett’s loyalty to his alma mater is attested by his generous contributions to the Phoenix Project and to the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
This scholarship, established in the memory of Professor Everett and his wife, is intended to provide financial support for graduate students.
2008 | Catherine Dupuis |
2009 | Darragh Rooney |
2011 | Pedro Acosta |
2020 | Michael Mueller |
2021 | Binglin Song |
2022 | Jineon Baek |
2023 | Christopher Zhang |
2024 | Jonghyun Lee |
Edwin Wilkinson Miller Prize
This prize was established by the Department of Mathematics in honor of Professor Edwin Wilkinson Miller shortly after his sudden death in 1942. Professor Miller, born in 1905, graduated with a BA from the University of Michigan in 1928 and continued on to graduate studies at Harvard University. He soon discovered that he preferred the atmosphere of the University of Michigan and returned to complete his graduate studies; he received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 1930 and subsequently joined the Department as an instructor.
He remained in the Department (instructor, 1930-1936; assistant professor, 1936-1941, associate professor, 1941-1942) until his death. Throughout his professional career, Professor Miller demonstrated excellence in both the classroom and in his research endeavors in topology and function theory.
The prize, established in his memory, is intended to provide financial support for graduate students.
2005 | Kelli Carlson |
2006 | Joel Lepak |
2008 | Eugene Eisenstein |
2013 | Stefan Froehlich |
2014 | Andrew Melfi |
2016 | Kwun Chung |
2017 | Ruian Chen |
2020 | Yunze Lu |
2021 | Nicholas Wawrykow |
2022 | Ekaterina Shchetka |
2023 | Scott Neville |
2024 | Katie Waddle |
Emeritus Professor Maxwell Reade Fund
This fund was established in 2005 from gifted funds to be used to support diversity recruiting within the Mathematics Department. The fund is named in honor of Emeritus Professor Maxwell Reade, who championed this cause for many years with the Department and College.
2020 | April Nellis |
G. Cleaves Byers Endowment for Collegiate Mathematics Education
This fund was established in from a bequest of Mr. G. Cleaves Byers in 1996 to be used for scholarships or other purposes that help young mathemacians (graduates students or young faculty less than two years past the Ph.D.) seeking academic careers to achieve excellence in collegiate mathematics education.
2007 | Brian Jacobson, Hao Xing |
2008 | Jennifer Beichman, Harlan Kadish, Qian Yin |
2009 | Sara Lapan |
2010 | Jeffrey Meyer |
2015 | Patricia Klein |
2020 | Alana Huszar |
2021 | Robert Cochrane |
2022 | Will Dana |
2023 | Preetham Mohan |
2024 | Zachary Deiman |
Gabrielle & Sophie Rainich Fellowship
The Gabrielle & Sophie Rainich Fellowship was established in 1964 by Emeritus Professor G.Y. Rainich in memory of his mother, Gabrielle, and his wife, Sophie.
George Yuri Rainich, née Yuri Germanovich Rabinovich in 1886 in Odessa, Russia, studied at the Universities of Novorossia, Göttingen, and Munich. He taught at the Odessa School of Mathematics, where he graduated in 1904, the University of Kazan, and the University of Novorossia before coming to the United States in 1923.
At that time, Rabinovich changed his name to Rainich. He became a Johnston Scholar at Johns Hopkins University before joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1926, where he continued for 30 years until his retirement in 1956. Professor Rainich died in 1968.
Rainich’s best known work was in relativity, particularly a series of papers in the 1920’s where he showed that the mathematics of the general theory that Einstein used as a model for gravitation also supplied one for electromagnetism. He also published an influential book on the subject of relativity theory. Within the Department he was universally regarded as a superb teacher and expositor and served as the Chair of the Doctoral Committee for many years.
Noted for his interest in and support of graduate students, Rainich established the Gabrielle & Sophie Rainich Fellowship in memory of his mother and wife in 1964. His mother, Gabrielle, succeeded in leaving the Soviet Union in 1930. She was the author of the first Russian-English mathematical dictionary, published in 1950, and died in 1953. His wife, Sophie, was a dentist and died in 1963.
The fellowship is intended to provide financial support for graduate students. The awards are dispersed to the discretion of the Chairman.
2004 | Eiji Aoki |
2005 | Brian Jacobson |
2006 | Harsh Jain, Craig Spencer |
2008 | Katarina Bodova |
2009 | Fidel Jimenez |
2010 | Alexander Mueller |
2011 | Huaiying Gu |
2012 | Nicolas Ford |
2013 | Balin Fleming |
2014 | Francesca Gandini |
2015 | Andrew Schaug |
2016 | Michael Lewis |
2017 | John Holler |
2020 | Christopher Stith |
2021 | Jiayu (Jason) Liang |
2022 | Anna Brosowsky |
2023 | Ilia Nekrasov |
2024 | Riku Kurama |
Indu and Gopal Prasad Family Fund
This fund was established in late 2014 to be used to support graduate students in the Department of Mathematics. Anoop Prasad (the son of Indu and Gopal) increased the endowment in early 2015. These funds are intended to be used for non-actuarial/financial students and non-applied mathematics students.
2016 | Audra McMillan |
2017 | Deshin Finlay, Jacob Haley, Ashwath Rabindrath, David Richman |
2018 | Zhi Jiang, Eamon Quinlan |
2019 | Lara Du, Montek Gill, Yifeng Huang |
2020 | Sanal Shivaprasad |
2021 | Shubhodip Mondal |
2022 | Karthik Ganapathy |
2023 | Swaraj Sridhar Pande, Sameer Kailasa |
2024 | Hyunsuk Kim, Gleb Terentiuk |
Joel Smoller Graduate Fellowship Fund
This endowed fund to support mathematics graduate students. The fund honors Joel Smoller, a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics who passed away in 2017.
2020 | Yuchen Liao |
2021 | Yueqiao Wu |
2022 | Moise Mouyebe |
2023 | Sameer Kailasa |
2024 | Jiashu Han |
Juha Heinonen Memorial Graduate Fellowship
This fund was established in 2007 from contributions of friends and family. Juha Heinonen, Professor of Mathematics, passed away on October 30, 2007. He arrived in the Department in 1988 as a postdoctoral assistant professor, and became a professor in 2000. He was a leading researcher in geometric function theory, having published two books and numerous articles with many collaborators. Most recently, Juha served as Associate Chair for Graduate Studies in the Department, where he mentored many young mathematicians. Juha Heinonen Memorial Graduate Student Fellowship was established in the University of Michigan Department of Mathematics. Juha gave tirelessly of his time as a mentor to young mathematicians and this fund will help to carry on his spirit of support and guidance.
2009 | Qian Yin |
2010 | Ashley Holland |
2011 | Zhibek Kadyrsizova |
2012 | Brooke Ullery |
2013 | Purvi Gupta |
2014 | Xiaolei Zhao |
2015 | Rankeya Datta |
2016 | Han Huang |
2017 | Punya Satpathy, Yan Shuo Tan |
2018 | Haoyang Guo |
2019 | Karen Butt |
2020 | Elizabeth Collins-Wildman |
2021 | Yonatan Shelah |
2022 | Yili Zhang |
2023 | Xiaoyu Dong |
2024 | Shabarish Chenakkod |
Luther Claborn Mathematics Endowment
The Luthur Claborn Mathematics Endowment was established in 1968 in memory of Professor Luther Claborn by his wife, Mary Lee Claborn, following his sudden death in 1967. Professor Claborn, born in 1934, received his B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 1955. He then continued on to receive his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 1963.
He had taught at Wartburg College (Waverly, IA), Cornell College (Mt. Vernon, IA) and the University of Illinois-Urbana. Professor Claborn received a tenure-track position at Rice University in Austin, TX, and was en route to his new position when he was killed in an automobile accident in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which also claimed the life of his young daughter. He was a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
This scholarship, established in his memory, is intended to provide financial support for graduate students.
2004 | Kyle Hofmann, Michael Lieberman, Michael Vath, Diane Vavrichek |
2005 | Jose Gomez-Guerra |
2006 | Ray Maleh |
2007 | Kyle Ormsby |
2008 | Russell Golman |
2009 | Florian Block |
2010 | Qian Yin |
2011 | Zhao Lan |
2012 | Kin Kwan Leung |
2013 | Jake Levinson |
2014 | Adam Kaye |
2015 | Weichen Gu |
2016 | Bingying Lu |
2017 | Elizaveta Rebrova, Philip Tosteson |
2020 | Fanchen He |
2021 | Hyung Kyu Jun |
2022 | Swaraj Sridhar Pande |
2023 | Shelby Cox |
2024 | Hyunsuk Kim |
Marjorie and Maxwell Reade Fund for Student Support
This fund was established in 2013 to be used for need-based undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts majoring in mathematics.
2020 | Ursula Trigos-Raczkowski |
Marjorie Lee Browne Scholars
2012 | Daniel Jonas, Raymundo Navarrete, Andre Souza, Dana Suttman |
2013 | Alexis Cook, Daniel Jonas, Long Ly, David McMillon, Raymundo Navarrete, Adrian Ochoa, Andre Souza, Dana Suttman |
2014 | Joseph Borja, Alexis Cook, Long Ly, David McMillon, Bryan Nevarez, Adrian Ochoa, Erick Vega, Ismael Xique |
2015 | Joseph Borja, Adrian Carballeira, Bryan Nevarez, Derrick Sund, Erick Vega, Ismael Xique |
2016 | Jay Barraza, Adrian Carballeira, Anthony Della Pella, Jonathan Guzman, Derrick Sund |
2017 | Jay Barraza, Anthony Della Pella, David Guerra, Jonathan Guzman, Alex Kapiamba, Jenia Rousseva, Ursula Trigos-Raczkowski |
2018 | Joseph Ballardo, Esteban Coronel Balcazar, Uzziel Cortez, David Guerra, Alex Kapiamba, Moise Mouyebe, Jenia Rousseva, Ursula Trigos-Raczkowski |
2019 | Fernando Angulo Barba, Karina Aponte, Joseph Ballardo, Lemar Callaway III, Esteban Coronel Balcazar, Uzziel Cortez, Daniel Maes, Moise Mouyebe |
2020 | Fernando Angulo Barba, Karina Aponte, Lemar Callaway III, Emilee Cardin, Joanne Dong, Oscar Gonzalez, Annaliese Keiser, Daniel Maes |
2021 | Emilee Cardin, Cyril Cordor, Ram Ekstrom, Jose Esparza Lozano, Joanne Dong, Orlando Ferrer, Oscar Gonzalez, Annaliese Keiser |
2022 | Cyril Cordor, Ram Ekstrom, Jose Esparza Lozano, Saida Fatema, Oscar Gonzalez, Shivani Prabala, Mia Smith |
2023 | Dania Ali Abuhijleh, Gerardo Dutan, Jose Esparza Lozano, Saida Fatema, Jordan Grant, Shivana Prabala, Javier Santiago, Mia Smith |
2024 | Gerardo Dutan, Nick Freeman, Jordan Grant, Berry Henaku, Renato Pinto Reveggino, Javier Santiago, Bridgett Slone |
Mathematics Alumni/Alumnae Scholarship
This fund was established in 2003 from the annual solicitation of mathematics alumni. The fund will provide general support to a number of deserving mathematics students at the undergraduate or graduate level, awarded at the discretion of the Chair.
2004 | Jungmin Choi, Jiarui Fei |
2005 | Sarah Crown, Mark Iwen |
2006 | Kelli Carlson, Sarah Crown, Russell Golman, Christopher Hammond, Kyle Hofmann |
2007 | Eugene Eisenstein, Ashley Selegue, Lindsey Selegue |
2008 | Emily Witt |
2009 | Andrey Mishchenko, Nicholas Rupprecht |
2010 | Sarah Mayes, Geoffrey Scott, Ashley Wheeler |
2011 | Suchandan Pal |
2012 | Gary Marple |
2013 | Matthew Jacobs |
2014 | Kevin Hannay |
2015 | Daniel Irvine |
2016 | Gilad Pagi |
2017 | Elizabeth Collins-Wildman, Emanuel Reinecke |
2018 | Daniel Irvine |
2019 | Fanchen He |
Mathematics Department Graduate Student Awards
2019 | Francesca Gandini, Mark Greenfield, Devlin Mallory, Nathan Vaughn, Leighton Wilson |
Mathematics Department One-Term Dissertation Fellowship
2004 | Leon Kagnovskiy (Winter) |
Mathematics Department Summer Research Grants
2019 | John Holler, Daniel Irvine, Patrick Kelley, Harry Lee, Andrew O’Desky, Matthew Olson, Salman Siddiqi, Alexander Vargo, Nathanial Vaughn |
2020 | Gilyoung Cheong, Haoyang Guo, Jacob Haley, Jasmine Powell, David Schwein, Ningyuan Wang |
2021 | Yunze Lu, Kannappan Sampath |
Mathematics Regents Fellowship
2011 | Rafe Kinsey, Burhan Sadiq |
Mathematics Research Assistantship Fellowship
2009 | Benjamin Weiss |
Mathematics Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2003 from the trust agreement of Alta B. West and from funds from non-alumni donors. The fund will provide general support to a number of deserving mathematics students at the undergraduate or graduate level, awarded at the discretion of the Chair.
2007 | Nicholas Rupprecht |
2012 | Juan Perez |
2013 | Jeremy Hoskins |
2014 | Charlotte Chan, Scott Rich |
2016 | Mark Greenfield |
2017 | Han Huang, Patrick Lenning |
2020 | Guanjie Huang, Chuhao Sun, Katja Vassilev, Ethan Zell |
2023 | Saem Han |
2024 | Amanda Schwartz |
Maxwell Reade Scholarship
2013 | Raymundo Navarrete, Andre Souza |
2014 | David Prigge |
Poorman Fellowship
2019 | Nancy Hong |
President's Challenge for Graduate Support
This fund was established in 2007 as part of a match from the University President’s fund to provide graduate support in Mathematics. Donors gifts were matched by the University.
2009 | Peter Bosler, Max Glick, Robin Lassonde, Jeffrey Meyer, Ashley Selegue |
2012 | Mary Wootters |
2013 | Alexander Munk |
2014 | Tengren Zhang |
2015 | Grace Ingermanson |
2020 | Bradley Zykoski |
2021 | Jack Wakefield |
2022 | Michael Mueller |
2023 | Han Le |
2024 | Saket Shah |
Regents Fellow
2002 | Ronald Walker |
2003 | Trevor Fast, Hannah Robbins, Zachariah Teitler (Winter) |
2004 | Samuel Payne (Winter) |
2005 | Johanna Mangahas |
2007 | Johanna Mangahas |
Usha Sharma Bhalla Fellowship Fund
This fund was established in 2016 to be used to support graduate students in the Department of Mathematics.
2018 | Matthew Olson, Alexander Vargo |
2019 | Christina Athanasouli |
2020 | Alapan Mukhopadhyay |
2021 | Jingjie Zhang |
2022 | Malavika Mukundan, Khoa Nguyen |
2023 | Yuping Ruan, Jiajia Guo, Malavika Mukundan |
2024 | Kashvi Srivastava |