Name |
Date | Time | Location |
Thesis Title |
Advisor |
Derrick Sund | January 13 | 12:00pm | 242 West Hall | Modeling of Cell Cycle Distortion and p16ink4a Significance in Human Papillomavirus-Infected Cells and Novel Use of Partial Differential Equations in Epidemiology Modeling | Marissa Eisenberg & Trachette Jackson |
Michael Mueller | December 16 | 11:00am | 4096 EH |
A Multi-Model, Data-Driven Approach to Studying Tumor-Immune Dynamics and Immunotherapy Efficacy | Aaron Pixton |
Shirlyn Wang | December 12 | 1:00pm | 3866 EH |
A Multi-Model, Data-Driven Approach to Studying Tumor-Immune Dynamics and Immunotherapy Efficacy | Trachette Jackson & Marissa Eisenberg |
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