There are numerous ways to get more involved in campus life:
- Join LSA SG: It couldn't be easier to start affecting change within the College of LSA. You can attend one of the LSA SG Mass Meetings at the beginning of the semester, stop by the LSA SG office in 1174 LSA Building to ask a member for more information, or just go to any LSA SG's committee meetings. Committees are open to any LSA student to attend - and you can find committee times here!
- VOTE: The single most important action an LSA student should do is vote in LSA SG elections each semester - in November and March - to select representatives and voice opinions on important ballot issues.
- Support LSA: Come to LSA events or participate in LSA sponsored causes to not only benefit LSA SG but also show school pride!
- Voice Your Opinions: Email any LSA SG Representative with your thoughts or visit the SG Office at 1174 LSA and share your feelings on campus-wide issues. Find the contact information of LSA SG Representatives here!