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Understanding Nontraditional, International, and Transfer Educational Resources Subcommittee


The Understanding Nontraditional, International, and Transfer Educational Resources Subcommitee (UNITERS) seeks to support the diverse needs of transfer, nontraditional, and international students by addressing academic, social, and situational concerns. 

Current Projects

  • Improving the quantity, quality, and accessibility of resources available for transfer, nontraditional, and international students, including resources such as orientation, advising, and many more!
  • Improving the quantity, quality, and accessibility of student housing information available from the University and other organizations.

Constituents Form

UNITERS is dedicated to serving the needs of LSA undergraduate students. We would love to hear any input from students about issues, concerns, project ideas, or anything else that we as a body of the student government can do to help transfer, nontraditional and international students! The form is anonymous unless you would like to provide contact information for follow up questions. Find the form here


Highlighted Transfer Student Resources:

Transferring Declassified: UM Survival Guide: Find the google doc here!

Sweetland Center for Writing: Transfer Students

Transfer Student Center: Resource Homepage


Highlighted International Student Resources:

Sweetland Center for Writing: International Students

Free places to park: Check out the UMich Commuter Cheat Sheet


Meeting Times: 6:00-7:00 PM on Tuesdays

Chair: Jeffrey Li (

Vice Chair: Carli Mulvihill (