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Program and Department Impact

  1. Give to the College of LSA
  2. Stories of Impact
    1. Student Impact
    2. Program and Department Impact
      1. Winds of Discovery
      2. Pollack family's gift establishes new Psychology lecture series
      3. First-of-its-kind Mellon Foundation grant provides nearly $4 million to establish new Environmental Justice + Humanities Hub at U-M
      4. Graduate Student Researcher Focused on Water Protection, Fish and Engaging Families in Northern Michigan
      5. Department of Communications and Media Receives $2.5 Million Gift to Establish the Pris Rogers Professorship in Strategic Communications
      6. An Artful Intersection of Community and Creativity
      7. U.P. Scholars: Building An Enduring Bridge to Success
      8. In Earth Science, the Outdoor Classroom Isn't Optional
      9. African Studies Center names first Heleniak-Carstarphen Graduate Student Scholar
      10. Digital Studies Institute: Where Technology and Culture Collide
      11. New Forsyth fellowship expands global collaboration for U-M History of Art
      12. Camp Davis 2021: Back in the Saddle Again
      13. LSA Crowdfunding: Every Gift Makes a Difference
      14. Math Corps: More Than Math
      15. Comprehensive Studies Program: A Virtual Bridge to the Future
      16. CSP: Discovering the Joy of Education
      17. GLACE: Supporting New Pathways in English
      18. Psychology: Demystifying the Clinical Process
      19. English Language & Literature, Opportunity Hub: A Love of Learning
      20. Museum of Zoology: Insight Equals Impact
      21. Earth and Environmental Sciences: Thoughtfully Repaying Kindness
      22. Camp Davis, Earth and Environmental Sciences: The Gumshoe and the Great Dying
      23. A Century of Learning at the University of Michigan Biological Station
    3. Planned Giving
    4. Faculty Giving
    5. Alumni Giving
  3. Contact Us
  4. Giving Blueday 2025

Winds of Discovery

DTE Energy Foundation Grant Helps Kids Set Sail with the Detroit River Schooner Program

- Kristen Loszewski

Category: Support LSA

Tags: LSA; Stories of Impact; Look to Michigan; Program and Department Impact; Teaching and Research

Pollack family's gift establishes new Psychology lecture series

Irwin Pollack Lecture Series Will Feature World-Class Speakers on Psychophysics, Cognition, and Perception

Category: Support LSA

Tags: LSA; Look to Michigan; Program and Department Impact; Teaching and Research

Archive: Program and Department Impact

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