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Art & Design Minor

Art & Design Minor at the Stamps School of Art & Design

Welcome to the Art & Design Minor program at the Stamps School of Art & Design!

For students interested in design thinking, visual composition, working collaboratively, critical thinking and analysis, and gaining skills with tools and techniques relevant to a wide range of material processes, the Stamps School offers an eighteen-credit minor in studio art and design to students in the following programs:

  • Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA)
  • School of Music, Theatre & Dance
  • School of Information
  • College of Engineering
  • Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Ross School of Business
  • School of Kinesiology
  • School of Public Health

Is the Art & Design Minor Right for You?

Deciding whether to pursue an Art & Design Minor can be exciting and challenging. Here are a few questions to help you assess your interest and suitability for the program:

  1. What draws you to the field of art and design?
    Reflect on the aspects of art and design that inspire and motivate you. Is it the creative process, the
    opportunity to express yourself, or the potential to impact the world through visual communication?

  2. Have you participated in any art- or design-related activities or projects before?
    Consider your past experiences. Have you taken art classes, worked on design projects, or engaged in any artistic hobbies? How did those experiences influence your interest in this field?

  3. What specific goals do you hope to achieve through the art and design minor program?
    Identify your short-term and long-term objectives. Do you want to enhance your artistic skills, explore new mediums, prepare for a career in the creative industry, or complement your major with art and design skills?

  4. Are you willing to dedicate time and effort to develop your skills and expand your knowledge in art and design?
    Assess your commitment level. The program will require dedication, practice, and continuous learning. It can take from 4-6 semesters to complete the minor depending on how many Stamps classes you can take in a semester.

If these considerations align with your interests and aspirations, the Art and Design Minor could be an excellent choice for your academic journey. For detailed information about the program, attend a Minor in Art in Design info session and view the Stamps Minor Webpage.

Art & Design Minor Requirements

  • Two 100-level studios, minimum 3 credits each, total 6 credits, one from Group A and one from Group B: 
        A. Drawing Studio
            ARTDES 100: Drawing Observation or ARTDES 105: Drawing Visualization
        B. Dimensional Studio 
            ARTDES 115: Studio 2D, ARTDES 120: Studio 3D, or ARTDES 125: Studio 4D
  • Two 200-level studios, minimum 3 credits each, total 6 credits:
        Options offered at Stamps include ARTDES 200 - 299
  • One 300-level studio, minimum 3 credits: 
        Options offered at Stamps include studios between ARTDES 300-388
  • One Academic course, minimum three credits: 
        Options offered at Stamps include: 
            ARTDES 150: Art and Design in Context 
            ARTDES 151: Art and Design History 
            ARTDES 160: Penny W. Stamps Lecture Series (1 credit/semester for 3 semesters) 
            ARTDES 389: Writing Cultural Criticism 
    All 3 credit courses listed in the LSA Course Guide with the subject HISTART, or any course cross-    listed with HISTART will satisfy the Stamps Minor academic requirement.

For more details on Stamps Minor requirement course options and policies please view the Stamps Minor Webpage.

Get Started

Minor Policies

  • The minor is open to all undergraduates who are not Stamps Majors and who have already declared a major.
  • A portfolio is not required.
  • All coursework must be selected from the list of approved courses.
  • Test credits may not be used to meet the requirements of the minor.
  • A maximum of two non-ARTDES studio courses can fulfill minor requirements (one at the 200-level, the second at the 300-level). Students approved to declare the Stamps minor as of August 26, 2024 will only be able to use one non-ARTDES studio course to fulfill minor requirements (either at the 200 or 300 level)
  • Students who are approved to declare the Stamps minor as of October 15, 2023 will only be able to elect to use the studios listed above to satisfy the Stamps minor.
  • Students may not elect the pass/​fail grading option for courses included in the minor.
  • A maximum of one course may be shared between the requirements of a minor and a major.
  • A stu­dent must earn an over­all GPA of at least 2.0 in the minor, includ­ing any pre­req­ui­sites nec­es­sary for com­ple­tion of the minor.
  • Students may not add, complete, or declare a minor after graduation.
  • AP/IB test scores in studio art courses cannot be applied to the minor requirements.


If you have any questions, please contact stamps-​minor-​advising@​umich.​edu