- Majors and Minors
- Departments and Units
- Courses
- LSA Degrees
- LSA Requirements
- LSA Academic Policies and Procedures
- LSA Commitment to Academic Freedom
- Dates and Deadlines
- Academic Integrity
- Engaged Learning
- Business
- What Will You Do with an LSA Degree?
All students must register to be officially enrolled in classes.
For new undergraduate students, course registration is completed during New Student Orientation.
Continuing undergraduate students are assigned a registration appointment time by the Office of the Registrar. At a student’s registration appointment time they may begin registering for the upcoming term in Wolverine Access. Once registration has opened for a student, it will remain open until the end of the drop/add period (the end of the 3rd week for full-term classes and the end of the 2nd week for half-term classes).
It is recommended that students meet with a LSA general advisor and major/minor advisor (if applicable) every term to ensure appropriate classes are selected.
Students may not be simultaneously enrolled in two sections of the same course unless the course is specifically designated as repeatable for credit by a department or unit.
After the initial drop/add period, it is rare for a student to be allowed to register for a term.