NMR data in the spectrometers can be accessed directly from the lab's workstations for off-line processing an plotting. User's data can also be downloaded via sftp but only from within the Chemistry Department and a few selected University locations.
Varian Vnmrs 700 (Ytterbium)
Varian Vnmrs 600 (Neodymium)
Bruker Avance Neo 500 (Carbon)
Varian Vnmrs 500 (Tellurium)
Varian MR400 (Gallium)
Varian MR400 (Cobalt)
Varian Inova 400 (Zirconium)
Data stations
Five Hewlett-Packard Z420 computers, 3.6 GHz with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Vnmrj 4.2. A licensed copy of MestReNova is available in one of the workstations.
For questions contact Eugenio Alvarado
Squid operating instructions [Adobe Acrobat Reader "pdf" file]