The Department of Chemistry has a long tradition of excellence in the chemical sciences. Since 1844, the University of Michigan has been offering studies in this field. In 1856, the University built the chemical laboratory, thought to be the first such building erected for that purpose on a public campus. It was replaced in 1908 with a newer building, which has itself been expanded twice since then, most recently in 1988.
As the questions chemists ask have become more complex, the University of Michigan Department of Chemistry has pushed the boundaries of traditional work in fundamental chemical sciences into the interface with other disciplines.Today our faculty are leading quests for cleaner energy sources, better battery technology, greener chemical production, improved biomedical diagnostics and a host of other work that addresses fundamental challenges of national and global importance. They are driving improvements in the teaching of chemistry, and expanding opportunities for STEM education for persons of all backgrounds.Our graduate programs include masters and PhD options. The University of Michigan PhD program offers cutting edge research in a collaborative environment with a community of some 250 students.
Undergraduate Office
Phone: 734.647.2858
Graduate Office
Phone: 734 -763-6596, 734-647-5468
Building & Facilities
Facilities Manager: Tracy Stevenson
Phone: 734.764.7316 (please leave message)
Phone: 734.615-9852
Administration Directory
Student Services Directory
University of Michigan
Department of Chemistry
930 N. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055
Department Chair: Bart Bartlett
Department Chair Assistant:
Chief Administrator: Jan Malaikal
Department Phone: 734-615-9852