Giving Blueday
24 Hours to support Chemistry and take part in special challenges and matches!
See you in March, 19 2025!
Gifts from alumni and friends of the Chemistry Department provide vital support for learning and research, program innovation, and new initiatives.
Every gift is important and makes a difference in the Department’s ability to provide opportunities for students and faculty that make a difference in their success.
General Support
Chemistry Alumni Fund-316969
Established by gifts from former students in the department, this fund is used as seed money for new initiatives, to support ongoing educational programs at the graduate and undergraduate level, and at the Chair's discretion. Give online
Chemistry Strategic Fund-308206
Seed funding for new faculty research and innovative research projects, curriculum development, research lab maintenance and upgrades, and purchase or repair of major instruments for the research and teaching labs. Give online
Kuczkowski Endowed Faculty Research Fund-796725
Established by Emeritus Professor Robert Kuczkowski with additional support from other faculty and friends, this award provides recognition and support for an outstanding assistant or associate professor in Chemistry. Give online
Student Focused Support
Chemistry Future Faculty Program-732330
Your gift to this endowment will support programming and travel for the graduate student Chemical Sciences at the Interface of Education|UM (CSIE|UM) program. It will help participants offer seminars, workshops, and other programming at UM and provide funds for students to attend professional meetings Give online
Koreeda Research Fund-796738
This endowment fund honors Prof. Koreeda's dedication to Chemistry and its students. Your gift will provide supplies and salaries for student researchers, expanding vitally important research experiences, especially for undergraduates. Give online
Summer Chemistry Scholars Fund-318850
An undergraduate research experience is essential for students to compete for elite graduate programs and jobs in the chemical and biotechnology industries. These funds directly support UM Chemistry and Biochemistry majors taking part in summer research opportunities.
Give online
Other Funds Without a Direct Online Link
To give to these funds, please add the fund number in the online giving basket or on your check. Thank you.
Richard D. Sacks Memorial Student Travel-301245
Yearly travel awards for analytical chemistry graduate students to present their research at technical conferences.
College of LSA Advancement Contact
Julia Sohn, Regional Director of Development
LSA Advancement
101 North Main Street, Suite 850
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
phone: 734.615.6533
Department of Chemistry
Bart Bartlett, Chair
University of Michigan
930 N. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055
Donate online or by mail
Use the online links for each fund to donate at the University of Michigan Giving site.
If you would like to donate to a particular fund that is not directly linked, you can add the name or number into the online form.
By Mail
You may send checks payable to the University of Michigan to:
Department of Chemistry
1543 Chemistry Building
930 University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055
Please add the name of the fund you wish to donate to on the check.