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Natural History and Evolution - EEB 392

3 credits

Recommended prerequisites: BIOLOGY 171 or equivalent (e.g. BIOLOGY 195), two college-level courses in biology, or permission of instructor.

Satisfies requirements for: BS, NS, PitE practical experience, EEB Field/Research; fulfills the Evolution class requirement for Biology and EEB.

Meets: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Instructor: Jordan Price

Course Description

Evolution is the engine driving the amazing biodiversity we see today. This course will focus on evolution as reflected in the natural history of organisms, paying special attention to the flora and fauna found in your local area. The course will focus primarily on evolutionary theory and mechanisms, and you will learn about evolution across a range of timescales and levels of organization. In the process, you will explore such diverse topics as animal behavior, population genetics, game theory, and molecular evolution.

Our objective is for you to finish this course with a deep appreciation for, if not a completely different view of, the complex ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underlying life on earth today.