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General Ecology Lab - EEB 373

3 credits

Recommended Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 171  or equivalent (e.g. BIOLOGY 195), BIOLOGY 173, and concurrent or prior enrollment in BIOLOGY 281/ENVIRON 281 or BIOLOGY 282.

Satisfies requirements for: BS, Biology Lab, EEB General Ecology Lab and Field/Research, and PitE General Ecology Lab and Practical Experience. NOTE: This UMBS course does not fulfill the LSA Upper Level Writing Requirement (ULWR).


Spring: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (section 1) or Thursday, Friday, Saturday (section 2)
Summer: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Spring: Corrine Monks (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Rebecca MacKay (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
Summer: M. Noelia Barrios-Garcia (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Course Description

This course combines a mixture of tools needed to become ecologically proficient. This includes applying the fundamental concepts from ecology, the protocol for conceptualizing, designing, and conducting experiments, the statistical tests used to test hypotheses, and the tools needed to present work through communication. The field and lab exercises have a mixture of ecological practices, field experiments, hypothesis testing, statistical analyses, and written/oral communication.