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Ethnobotany - EEB 455

3 credits

Recommended prerequisites: BIOLOGY 171 or equivalent (e.g. BIOLOGY 195), two college-level courses in biology, or permission of instructor.

Satisfies Requirements for: Satisfies requirements for: BS, PitE Practical Experience, Biology Lab, EEB Field/Research, and EEB Biodiversity

Meets: Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Instructor: John Benedict

Course Description

Discover and identify plants. Learn their traditional and contemporary uses by Native Americans. Examine the change in plant species in northern Michigan pre- and post- European contact. Investigate resource management in the context of ecosystem health.

Northern Michigan is home to an incredible array of plants and fungi that are important for food, fiber, and medicine. You will explore the area’s rich biodiversity and come away with a deeper understanding of - and connection to - the world around you.

At the end of the term, the Ethnobotany class hosts a home cooked "foraging feast" of local delights (like these pickled ramps!).