UMBS Director Knute Nadelhoffer is one of three local experts tapped to answer audience questions at the "Dive In" divestment campaign launch, Thursday, March 14. Supporters will gather in 1040 Dana Building from 6:00-7:30 p.m. for a webcast followed by a panel discussion.

The Divestment Campaign is backed by a coalition of University of Michigan students, faculty and alumni.  Its goal is for the university to divest from "direct ownership in, and commingled funds that include, fossil fuel industry public and private financial securities."  Moreover, it asks that a "substantial portion" of those funds instead invested in environmentally and socially responsible companies.

The divestment movement is gaining momentum across the country. Over 200 groups -- mostly at colleges and universities -- are demanding their institution stop investing in fossil fuel. Several institutions have already committed to this path.

Part of the U-M kickoff includes a webcast from national divestment proponents Bill McKibben, Maria Gunnoe and Sarah Mullkoff.  Mullkoff, who is part of the webcast as well as a panelist with Nadelhoffer answering audience questions, is the Midwest Energy and Climate Policy Coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation's Great Lakes Regional Center, based in Ann Arbor.  McKibben is the founder of, a grassroots movement focused on climate change.  Gunnoe, 2012 recipient of the University of Michigan Raoul Wallenberg Medal, is an activist opposing mountaintop removal coal mining. 

Following the webcast, Nadelhoffer, Mullkoff and Michigan Sierra Club's Brad van Guilder, will talk about climate change to and answer questions from the assembled audience.