UMBS Alumni Participate in LSA Water Theme Semester Panel
What began as a project among UMBS students in the 1970s evolved into one of the state's leading conservation organizations.
The CLEAR (Community and Lakes Environmental Awareness and Research) Project received grant money to support the students' efforts of improving northern Michigan's water quality. Building on their efforts, the project organized into a long-term institution and was reborn as the Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council in 1979.
Tip of the Mitt executive director Gail Gruenwald joins CLEAR members (and UMBS alumni) Art Gold, Linda Greer, Doug Farr, Marion Gold, Stanley Pollack and Mike Tilchin for "U-M Biological Station CLEAR Panel -- How Student Passion for Water Quality Spawned a Non-Profit and Launched Careers," Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 4:00 pm.
The panel is convening in 1230 Undergraduate Sciences Building, 204 Washtenaw Ave. This event is free and open to the public. It is part of the LSA Water Theme Semester, who is co-sponsoring the event.