Transfer Bridges to Michigan is an opportunity for Henry Ford students interested in transferring to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at the University of Michigan. Students interested in studying the humanities and social sciences have access to additional programs and support through Transfer Bridges to the Humanities @ Michigan.
Transfer Bridges to the Humanities (TB2H) @ University of Michigan is a program for Henry Ford College students who want to study the humanities and humanistic social sciences and then transfer to U-M Ann Arbor’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts to complete their bachelor’s degree. The program also includes summer program components, and other co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities so students will get to know their U-M professors and fellow students before transferring from HFC to U-M Ann Arbor.
TB2H students at HFC have the opportunity to take part in programming on the Henry Ford campus and in Ann Arbor with the following TB2H partners. To learn more about the humanities and humanistic social sciences and the support available on HFC's campus, visit the Transfer Bridges to the Humanities website at Henry Ford College.
Through individual advising conversations, online resources, and workshops, your professionals from the Transfer Bridges team will help you develop your academic plan, choose courses to maximize transfer credit, and set your professional goals.
Pre-Transfer Academic Advising
The LSA Transfer Bridges Coordinator will help you create your academic plan that maximizes your transfer credit and help you connect to all the amazing learning experiences available to you as a Transfer Bridges student.
LSA Opportunity Hub
Schoolcraft students can make an individual appointment with a U-M Career Coach to help you learn more how practical a liberal arts degree can be. The LSA Opportunity Hub Partners with students to form their professional identity by exploring the connection between a liberal arts education and aspirations. Students have access to coaching, courses, internships, funding, mentoring, networking with employers and LSA alums in their broad array of industries.
As a member of the Transfer Bridges program you can choose to be matched with a Transfer Student Ambassadors who also transferred from Schoolcraft to LSA as a mentor. They will help guide you through the exploration and application process while providing the student perspective on what it is like to be a U-M student transferring from a Michigan community college.
optiMize is a student-led organization that offers workshops, mentorship, and funding for students to create self-directed projects that make a positive impact. Transfer Bridges students can take part in storytelling workshops, visits to Ann Arbor, and participation in social innovation challenges while they are still enrolled at GRCC.
optiMize moMentum is for community college students pre-transfer. optiMize aMplify is for transfer students at Michigan. Both are led by UM students who recently transferred, and both connect you with some of Michigan's most valuable resources.
The moMentum fellowship gives you the opportunity to spend two days exploring the University of Michigan—either in Ann Arbor or at a site closer to you—exploring everything that UM has to offer in the way of resources, social innovation, and entrepreneurial skills. Plus you will meet a lot of amazing fellow community college students and receive a $500 stipend for participating.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
UROP engages students in research and creative inquiry by providing opportunities to work on research and creative projects with U-M researchers and community partners in all academic disciplines. UROP offers three research fellowship programs for community college students that you can apply to.
Community Leadership Fellowship
The Community Leadership Fellowship provides funding for students to complete an internship at a non-profit of their choosing. Each year the ESJF supports up to 10 undergraduate students from UM-LSA and Transfer Bridges to the Humanities students who propose mutually beneficial projects with a local partner organization.
Detroit River Story Lab
A one-day experience in which you will join UM-faculty to explore the Detroit River aboard a schooner with a focus on the river as a vital natural resource and a cornerstone of Detroit's community heritage.
Great Lakes Arts, Culture, and Environment Summer Fellowship (GLACE)
GLACE is an interdisciplinary humanities program located in Northern Michigan where you will spend the summer earning six college credits that focus on exploring concepts such as place, natural history, and cultural identity in collaboration with the University of Michigan Biological Station.
Culture Corps
Culture Corp gives you the opportunity to explore careers in the arts and humanities by participating in paid internships within arts and cultural organizations in Michigan.
Connect with Justin Villanueva, LSA transfer advisor for HFC students.
Office Hours
Monday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00am - 7:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 7:00pm