Students will need to register their iClicker remotes on Canvas. To do so, students will need to click the iClicker Registration tool in the course navigation menu. They will then be prompted to enter their 8-digit iClicker remote ID, located under the barcode on the back of their clicker, their email, and country. This information allows their iClicker remote to be linked to their UMich account and ID. Detailed instructions for students can be found here. Student help is available from BlueCorps.
Why does iClicker require students to enter their email and country? Email provides a unique identifier in iClicker's registration database. Since it is technically possible for two students to have the same “Student ID” at different universities, iClicker needed to institute an absolutely unique identifier. iClicker may also use this information to message students concerning any urgent support issues. Country information is used to direct the registration data to the proper iClicker server. iClicker currently has physical server space in Canada and the US, for efficiency and privacy concerns.
To add the iClicker Registration tool to a course navigation menu, follow the steps below.
Login to your Canvas course site.
Click Settings at the bottom of the course navigation menu.
Click the Navigation tab.
Find iClicker Registration in the bottom list.
In order to enable the tool, drag and drop iClicker Registration from the bottom list to the top list.
Once you have enabled the iClicker Registration plugin for your Canvas course, open the gradebook for your course in the iClicker software and click sync roster. All registered students will then appear in blue. If a student has not registered their iClicker remote on Canvas, their name will appear in red. It is best practice to regularly re-sync the course roster in the iClicker gradebook throughout the first few weeks of class in order to update student remote registrations. You will also need to resync the roster if students lose their remotes and have to purchase and register a new one. Students should keep both registrations active - they can add the new one without removing the old one, to ensure that they get the points for answering questions with both devices.
NOTE: There is no way to see student remote ID’s from within Canvas. This information is only available from the “Report” function within the iClicker software. Unlike the Export Function which only produces a csv with session grades, Reports will generate a csv or HTML document that includes both individual student responses and remote ID’s, if you select it.
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003