The LSA TS Support Services Operations staff will gladly provide training and support on using equipment in any LSA centrally scheduled classrooms.
Technology Services maintains installed computers in enhanced LSA classrooms and also has laptops available for short term loan for in-class use.
Room rentals for a fee are available for both student organizations and university departments.
The Learning & Teaching Consulting team is available for one-on-one assistance with various instructional technology tools.
Our staff is ready to advise and assist regarding everything from media support to helping you choose the best location.
Recordings of classes, lectures, and events can be created easily by using the Lecture Capture service in many LSA classrooms and auditoria across central campus.
Go To Your Lecture Recording Sites
Request Lecture Recording for a Class
Wacom offers a variety of solutions to help educators and students create, communicate and maximize learning.
iClicker is a flexible and user-friendly system that can be used to make classes more interactive and engaging by collecting instant feedback from students.
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003