User Groups: | Faculty Services ; Student Services ; Researcher Services |
Categories: | Classroom Support & Training |
The Lecture Recording system records video of the instructor (or chalkboard), any content presented through the projector, and anything said over the in-room microphone(s). These signals can then be processed in any combination to create recordings that are typically made available to students through Canvas.
To adjust the in-room camera angle...
On the podium computer, look for a shortcut labeled CAMERA CONTROL. Once the program opens, you will see a camera image of the room along with a set of directional controls. Use the arrows to move the camera and the +/- to zoom in or out. On the right side of the app, there are a number of preset angles that can be selected or used as a starting point. In the vast majority of LSA spaces, this can also be used to adjust the camera angle for Zoom.
To publish or perform basic edits in Lecture Recording...
Use the Click here to access your Lecture Recording sites button above, then select the desired course. The Recordings tab will show a list of all recordings regardless of whether they are published, unpublished, or uploaded to the system. By selecting the Edit option for an individual recording, you will be able to rename, change the published status, and perform other basic editing functions.
To share a single recording with specific viewers...
Use the Click here to access your Lecture Recording sites button above to see the complete list of all Lecture Recording sites you manage:
For any other questions or issues...
Please use the Ask For Help with Lecture Recording button above. In the Details section of the form, please include any links, times, or other information that may help in correcting a situation in the room, the problem with a recording, or regarding viewer access.
Below is an up-to-date list of LSA classrooms, conference rooms, and auditoria equipped with the Lecture Recording service. As a reminder, a request must be made for a recording to occur. For further information on room resources, check here.
User Groups: | Faculty Services ; Student Services ; Researcher Services |
Categories: | Classroom Support & Training |
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003