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SMP 10/23/04 | Quantum Tornadoes Near Absolute Zero | Speaker: Paul Haljan

Saturday, October 23, 2004
4:00 AM
170 & 182 Dennison Building

Speaker: Dr. Paul Haljan (U-M Physics Department)

Vortices are everywhere in Nature - hurricanes, tornadoes, and eddies in your bathtub. This is also the hallmark of some remarkable forms of matter in quantum physics, namely the "super" systems including super-fluid helium and superconductors. In 1995, scientists succeeded in making another unusual form of “super” matter called a Bose–Einstein condensate by cooling atoms to a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero. What is so unusual about these condensates? What happens when you stir one up?

Detailed Information
All talks are free and refreshments will be served. Visitor parking for the seminars (Central Campus) is across the street from the Dennison Building in the U-M Church Street structure. There is a $2.00 parking charge implemented by U-M Parking Services.

Contact Information
For more information regarding the Saturday Morning Physics series, see the Physics Department website, or call 734.764.4437