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HEP-ASTRO SEMINAR | The Impact of a Large Theta_13 on the Long Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab

Monday, October 8, 2012
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

Over the past year experiments from around the world have made measurements of the last of the neutrino mixing angles, theta_13.  The surprisingly large value of this angle has opened up new possibilities for delving deeper into the long standing questions about the structure of the neutrino masses and the potential for matter/anti-matter asymmetries in the neutrino sector. 

The NOvA experiment is the first of a new generation of Intensity Frontier experiments designed to perform precision probes of neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations.  The experiment will shoot the world's most intense neutrino beam from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory outside of Chicago, through the Earth's crust, to an immense 15 kt far detector 810 km away in northern Minnesota.  This talk will focus on the prospects for the NOvA experiment to resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy and constrain the CP violating phase delta_CP.  The talk will also cover other precision measurements that NOvA will make and will include future plans for the long baseline neutrino program at Fermilab.


Andrew Norman (FNAL)