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SPECIAL HEP - ASTRO SEMINAR | Neutrino Cross-Section Measurements in Gaseous Targets

Friday, September 4, 2015
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

New long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments such as DUNE aim to move forward into an era of high-precision neutrino oscillation measurements. To achieve this, the systematic uncertainties arising from neutrino cross-sections will have to be reduced; however, there are still many features of our models of the nucleus that are poorly constrained by data. Observing neutrino interactions in gas offers a unique opportunity to view the lowest energy particles escaping the nucleus, giving the most complete picture available of the interaction's final state. I will describe the first attempt to measure a neutrino cross-section on argon gas at the T2K near detector ND280, and outline some of the possibilities for future gas detectors to expand our understanding of neutrino cross-sections.

Philip Hamilton (Imperial College London)