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HEP - ASTRO SEMINAR | HATs of Various Sort

Monday, February 18, 2013
5:00 AM
335 West Hall

I will review the current status of three projects: HATNet, HATSouth and HATPI. The HATNet survey has been operating a network of small, wide-field telescopes for 8 years, leading to the discovery of 43 transiting extrasolar planets. I will highlight some of the discoveries and recent scientific results.

The HATSouth project employs 6 larger telescopes with 24 optical tube assemblies altogether, installed at 3 prime locations (Chile, Namibia, Australia). HATSouth is monitoring 128 square degrees on the sky round-the-clock. Based on our experience from the past 2 years, I will review operations, data flow, follow-up of the planet candidates, and HATS-1b; the first planet discovered by the network.

Finally, HATPI is a future project, with the goal of imaging 1 PI steradian area of the sky at moderately high spatial resolution, high cadence and high photometric precision to search for shallow transits, and also to catch fast transient phenomena.
