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LIFE AFTER GRADUATE SCHOOL SEMINAR<BR>Advanced Ultrasound Imaging and Diagnostics: a Physicist in the Life Sciences

Friday, October 26, 2012
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

Physicist Oliver Kripfgans came to U-M as a visiting scholar from Germany. He obtained his PhD from the University of Michigan Applied Physics Program in 2002. What initially attracted him to Michigan is the reason he has stayed: an environment that fosters collaboration. Now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology, Dr. Kripfgans’ work applies physics to medicine, partnering with investigators in fields as diverse as engineering, applied physics and basic science. His position allows him to be in regular contact with clinicians, whose input is vital to his understanding of how the discoveries he makes impact the lives of patients. His research interests are in the physics of bubbles and droplets, doppler imaging, transducer design, and drug delivery.

Pizza and drinks provided.
