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<b>Integrated Computational Materials Education Summer School</b>

Monday, June 11, 2012
4:00 AM
340 West Hall

Organizing Committee:
Katsuyo Thornton (University of Michigan)
Mark Asta (University of California - Berkeley)
Edwin Garcia (Purdue University)

Registration is required.

The agenda for the program can be found here.
To take advantage of rapidly growing computational resources, the field of materials science is increasingly relying upon computational materials science and engineering software tools. The ICMEd Summer School will give you an introduction to the theory and practice of these advanced computational techniques, as well as a practical guide to integrating computational techniques into the undergraduate materials science curriculum.

Computational approaches have transformed many scientific and engineering disciplines in the last decade. While the complexity of the physics and multiscale nature of materials makes modeling challenging, modern methods of computational materials science are also beginning to produce widespread impact in the design and development of new materials. Thus, a recent survey performed and published in JOM, as well as the National Academy of Engineering Report, clearly indicates the need for integration of computational techniques into undergraduate MSE curricula. To address the challenges in this integration, the “Summer School for Integrated Computational Materials Education,” is a two-week program that includes a “crash course” on computational materials science and engineering (CMSE) and focus sessions on educational modules that can be adopted into existing core courses. Specifically, we will target the introduction of computational tools into undergraduate-level thermodynamics, kinetics, and mechanics courses."