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<b>2nd Midwest Single Molcule Workshop</b>

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
4:00 AM
BSRB Auditorium and Seminar Rooms

This workshop gathers the leading single molecule microscopy researchers from all across the Midwest (loosely defined, and beyond!) to share their ideas, latest research, and resources.

Over almost two days, the meeting's agenda includes a keynote address by Prof. Carlos Bustamante from UC Berkeley, 21 short talks to be broadly picked from the submitted abstracts, two poster sessions/receptions, two breakfasts, two lunches and a banquet. We hope to be able to accommodate (almost) every participating laboratory with one talk, and an unlimited number of posters - the more the merrier.

When the first of these workshops was held at Washington University in Saint Louis in 2010, it was very popular and attracted ~120-researchers, and we hope for a similar or somewhat larger audience this year. So please join us in what promises to become a fun two days of in singulo mania!

To register, please go to and please note that the registration and abstract submission deadline is on Monday, June 25th! Thanks to a number of sponsors, we will be able to keep the registration fee at $100 per person, even with the expanded program.

Please feel free to contact Ann Titus ( if you should have any questions!