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<b>Life After Grad School Seminar</b><br>Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel? Physics Careers and Beyond!<br><b>Speaker: Peter Muhoro (APS)</b>

Friday, April 13, 2012
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

Speaker: Peter Muhoro (APS)

Physics underlies nearly all major technical innovations of the past century. Despite this, many students studying physics question what career choices they have, especially with advanced degrees in physics. The common perception is that one could go into academia, while data indicates approximately only 30% of PhD recipients take on positions as faculty. The question that most people never talk about is where do the other 70% go? This talk will discuss career paths beyond graduate school with degrees in physics, job demands, “hidden physicists” and job security. The presenter will also present some profiles of physicists in the “real” world, including his own experiences. Pizza and drinks provided. Graduates as well as undergraduates are invited to attend.